My Top 5 Mobile Google Apps for Everyday Life

in Digital Lifestyle2 months ago (edited)

Every day, I am constantly jumping between apps on my Android phone for a wide variety of things. My daily life practically revolves around my gadgets, especially my smartphone. And being an Android phone, I find myself between a few of Google's apps every now and then because, admittedly, Google does have pretty useful apps—and here are my top five.

My Top 5 Google Apps.jpg

  • Calendar

Realising how occupied I can be on most days and how I tend to underperform without my schedule laid out, I explored Google Calendar a little more and harnessed some of its features. I slot in many of my activities, tasks, and events and set reminders to make sure I stay on track and maintain effectiveness.

Google Calendar also has this cool integration with many other apps, such as Gmail and Google Meet, and even Zoom and Notion. The meetings I set up on many other apps, like Zoom, show up on my Google calendar. Notion being a powerful productivity software, I find it incredible useful to be able to find all of my tasks, events, and reminders on Google Calendar right in it, interconnected with some Notion features.

Collaboration is another thing I occasionally use and find useful on Google Calendar. I have different teams and groups of people I share some schedules or reminders with. The ability to share calendars with others or even include them helps with collaboration and coordination.


  • Photos

For a very long time, I never paid attention to Google Photos until I learned about its "group with face" feature. Ever since, I have always found Google Photos to be way more functional and "smart" with managing and sorting my photos, as well as some other features. And it only gets better with time, especially with Google rolling out pretty sweet AI features lately.


Google Photos is neat for organising and searching for photos. I can search by face, location, date, and even objects or things in my photos. By simply typing the names of people, I can find their photos quickly.


Another feature I enjoy is the automatic backup and storage of my photos and videos. Although I often turn this feature off when I am on a shooting spree to prevent it from backing up photos and videos that may be redundant,.


  • Drive

Speaking of files, Google Drive has been my go-to cloud storage service for years now. I used to use Dropbox when I first learned about storing files on the cloud as a kid, but I quickly shifted to Drive as many of my apps and services on my smart gadgets became connected with my Google account.

It's an essential app for me, as it provides a simple and seamless way to access some of my files from different devices, wherever I am. Documents, photos, videos, and other kinds of files—backed up and accessible on Google Drive.

Just like Google Calendar, I can share files and folders with other people. And, interestingly, you can pick just what file (document, audio, image, or video) you want to share or a specific folder to share. You can grant certain levels of access to the files and folders you share—Viewer, Commenter, Editor.


  • Files

Yet another Google app for my files is Google Files. Unlike Google Drive, however, this one is primarily for managing my local storage. It has no cloud services, so I only use it to monitor and optimise my phone's storage.

What I mainly use it for is to clear redundant files—the Clean feature. It has this smart algorithm that helps me find files that I do not regularly access, duplicate images and videos, and large files that I may be interested in letting go.

Another thing I appreciate about this file manager is its intuitive and easy-to-use interface. It's simple in design and has efficient functions.


  • Lens

One time, I needed to change my mother's phone system's language from Mandarin to English when she first got it. To do that, however, I had to be able to read Mandarin, but I actually couldn't. What I did was use Google Lens to translate in real time as I pointed my phone's camera at her phone as I navigated. That and more are why I keep this Google app close to my chest.

I use Google Lens to identify objects, read text and translate them from other languages, scan documents, extract text, and search for information. I use it to identify plants, animals, places, and even products.


What I use it for the most is to copy text. It is so handy to be able to point my camera at a document or screen and be able to copy all of its content to my clipboard. It's fast and simple.

And there we have it: my top 5 mobile Google apps for everyday life. They are probably apps that you also have and use on your mobile phone—if you are an Android OS user, that is. Let me know what you think about them.

Digital Lifestyle Banner.gif

By the way, there's a new community I started called Digital Lifestyle. It's a hub for interesting, insightful, and useful things that could potentially improve how you do things in this digital world. Check it out, will you? Read more here.

All images belong to me.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Why do I feel like you have listed my top 10 apps 😂
Ahhh! Google photos, I love how it reminds me of my 8 years moment. That is a safe place to save memories

 last month  

Haha! 😂

Yes. I even forgot to mention that it is also cool when it shows me old photos. There's even a category called Throwback that it created by itself.

Do you know I have lens on my phone and never thought to know what it means until late last year when I decided to check what it is used for and I was like, "wow, so, this is what this app is used for?" Seriously, there are some apps on my phone that I do not know their usefulness until I took my time to explore.

I love Google photos and how seamless the app is. These are just easy apps to help our lifestyles more fun.

 last month  

Lens really is one of the most underrated apps on our phones. And there are more than we usually disregard, like our dear @nkemakonam89

These days, I am exploring them a little more.

That is why I never saw the need to explore lens because I underrated it to be a good app.

This woman, avoid my it your reply? What is this...
Oya face your front 😌😌😌

@olujay try and warn this babe to stop hijacking my comments 😌😌😌🤣🤣🤣

No matter where you are on this blockchain, I will be there 😃😃

I am finally stuck 😂

Monitoring demons everywhere 🤣🤣👿😈


 last month  

My hand is not there o 😂

You and @princessbusayo have the stage.

You are one full time tech guy. Really hope you don't turn the next AI, lols. Have a wonderful day.

 last month  

Haha! That's hilarious, man. I'm only an enthusiast for now. I hope to be more involved in the future.

I can say you have just listed all my favorite Google Apps.

Lens has served me so much when I want to identify images or objects, but I never knew I could use lens for text translation, I wonder why I never thought of that lol.

Digital lifestyle, this is a very cool community to be added to #hive

 last month  

Oh, they're also your favourite? Nice.

Well, now you know a little more about Lens. I am eager to learn new things from you and your digital lifestyle as well. That's primarily what the community is about.

I can really see that they are really your favourite list and that is really Great to see. You interact with them daily as I can see

 last month  

Thanks, man. I wonder which of them you use or maybe other apps you use daily and we could learn about in the community.

🎉 Upvoted 🎉
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @bhattg suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️

Hehe. I used all of the applications. I like Google Photos but I use the application rarely as I don't watch pictures too much. But it's organized and I agree with you. Files is the applications I have uninstalled it because I felt it was unnecessary for me and taking space of my mobile😅.

 last month  

Lol, yeah. I think some phones offer what Files offer, and so many may not find it that useful. What other apps do you use regularly?

Google calendar has been a life saver for me. I use to write out my daily task in my diary but since I started exploring Google calendar, it's been more better

You see that Google photos, it always ask me to update the app.. like always every time, kilode 😄.. been a while I opened it😌

Lens? Are you sure I have this one on my phone? Lmao 😂

Pay me 5 HBD to help you confirm if you have lens on your phone 😌😌

Ole 🤣🤣

Learn to avoid nkem, verrrry far away, haha 😂

Avoidance ni 😌🙂😆

 last month  

Very nice. Writing it out can be very efficient these day, especially when you're usually online.

Oya, go and update the Google photos app 😁
And, most likely, you have Lens on your phone.

You definitely have, try and explore it and you will be glad.

I see
I will dear 🤗