brave new world

A new era begins tomorrow. At least in the country where I live.

This new reality, the new normal has an old name -




From tomorrow there will be first-class citizens and others. 'Ubermensch and Untermensch.

Yes, nazi-fascism is back and in full strength. Sponsored by big pharma and dully carried through by their mercenaries aka politicians and so-called medical experts.

It will be a sad day tomorrow.

Still, I remain an optimist and with an open mind. This lunacy has to end someday.

Better and better


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ugh ... those are strong words ... if that's true ... then it's started in Europe ... and it's spreading all over the so-called "free world" ... but from what I'm seeing (if I have to watch the national media, if I'm not already on the Hive) there's a kind of complete hysteria and paranoia ... I think it's all overdone and we're lacking discipline ...

Sad to hear that, especially as we don't live that far apart. We have some sort of pass here as well. So far it only applies to large events. I already had to take two tests to attend music concerts... looking forward to a third one this weekend! I try to stay optimist but I don't know if we're going to see an end to this lunacy any time soon!

Pure disaster! Unfortunately, I'm just waiting when it will cross the border and come here.

Hang on Ervin Lemark. On a positive side we will at least feel how segregation looks in practice. We just need some brave man or woman like Mandela to take us out of this.