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RE: Impressions and Concerns Regarding HiveWatchers

I'm actual somewhat hesitant to voice any opinion on this because of not wanting to attract any attention from some of the "powers that be" around here. I don't typically like to make statements about such things but it doesn't seem to be fair that even your Actifit posts are downvoted.

There are a lot of valid arguments about why copyright should be abolished. I think it was originally designed to protect the creative folk who produced content but it seems to be doing a better job of protecting the companies who control the copyright to the content.

Fair use of content in making more content can be very subjective. Getting on the wrong side of copyright laws can cause problems for artists and other creatives.

The original content creator is paid a small wage and the company who owns the content can sometimes make a lot more on the content. (If they don't they won't stay in business for long.)

In short, a lot of our laws around all this stuff are mostly for protecting the business who are profiting from the labor of their employees.

I'm not advocating taking credit for content that is not yours but honestly I think that some of what is being done is protecting the very institutions and business models that some of us are trying to improve upon through decentralization and PoB rewards.


Thank you for sharing your considered insights, especially in light of your concerns about facing some backlash just for joining in the conversation. I certainly hope that doesn't happen. But I respect you for speaking up, even knowing there is some risk attached to that decision.

Imagine, then, how much more chilling that risk is for people who have not yet joined Hive, but may have been considering it. Or for those who join with enthusiasm but quickly encounter unwelcoming and unfair practices.