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RE: Coloring Comics, Practice Makes Not Quite as Imperfect!

Aw shucks... thanks @jrej! I think I'm just really trying to attack things with a different mindset. It seems like I'm averaging using a good 6-10 references per panel as I work now! Photo refs, artist inspirations & color palette references... How's that saying go? "Steal from one artist and they'll call you a copycat, steal from a dozen artists and they'll say how original you are!" 😁

Also, sorry I haven’t replied, but I’m really excited you’re working on Inkito again!


Very true my friend. When I'm reading comics I try to pay attention to the details, the layout, colors etc. But it's too late to experiment anything in my on going story. I have to stay consistent on style till the end. In five pages!?!

Don't worry, you shared your thoughts about Inkito before. I know you're all for it. I'm working on the comic reader now, so the experience is extra smooth. Adding transitions, snappy page turns and various reading options. It's gonna be sweet. ;-)