Presentation of HOME Ideas // Join us and let's build this beautiful Community together.

in Home Ideaslast year


Welcome to our new HOME-Ideas community, which you will surely love and want to be part of.


Our Home must be our peace and not our torture; this phrase has been the beginning of everything. Currently, one of the most searched topics on google are those focused on having a harmonious and warm home. The niches range from organization, finance, decoration, planning, lifestyle, restoration. We believe that a home is built on details and members who understand that they must make that home a pleasant place.

The chaos of life and the acceleration of days have robbed us of spaces and pleasant moments in our home, that is why we are here so that together we can be inspired.


Our mission within the Hive platform is to be a community that provides tools to its members to create quality content focused on Home and that in turn they can be monetized for their contributions.


Home-Ideas, it will be an educational space of inspiration and entertainment for all.

Our vision is that Home Ideas is a Virtual Magazinefar-reaching wide reach inside and outside of focused on home issues where its content creators will share their skills and experiences helping others to make life easier in a practical way.


These are some of our objectives:

  • BE one of the communities with the most proactive members, creating quality content exclusively for

  • PROMOTE interaction and connection between members, developing a sense of belonging where Home Ideas is part of their daily lives.

  • AROUSE the interest of a target audience through positioning on Google and Pinterest, since they are the largest search engines online, which will allow us to attract new users to HIVE.

  • CREATE marketing routes and plans that allow us to have alliances with different E-commerce to enter affiliate and sponsorship programs, in this way our community is self-sustaining over time and can generate passive income, so our content creators will be able to monetize in HIVE and in other currencies.

  • FOMMENT the construction of a bidirectional collective knowledge that all members can take advantage of by sharing experiences and ideas focused on the Home linked to personal and family well-being, through workshops and weekly challenges where the protagonists will be our content creators.

Our future here it will be great and we will achieve it together.


At this point you may be wondering what you can post in this new community.

And as we mentioned before, Home Ideas will be a virtual magazine, our home guide the greatest thing is that we will build it together.

You can post, from how to start a morning full of energy, how to set the mood for your new reading space, techniques for managing your home finances, rebuilding, and more.

Focus on the experiences that have helped you and inspire your readers to live a more practical and happy life.

COMING SOON we will present a practical guide on how to publish successfully on Home Ideas





Home-ideas viene cargada de grande ideas en varios topicos, pero que van entrelazados en una vida en común y que nos traerá diferentes estategias para llevar a cabo las diferentes tareas que a diario vivimos en nuestros hogares. Espero ser de gran aporte a esta comunidad.
Aprovecho la oportunidad para invitar a las usuarios ya que he visto que sus trabajos son de admirar. @marine1 @mayraro05 @amandaj @jennyzer.
