Matang satay most popular food at aceh

in R2cornell3 years ago

What makes Sate Matang so popular? One of the things that makes Sate Matang special and distinguishes it from other satay dishes is the way it is served. If other types of satay are only served with peanut sauce, Sate Matang is usually served with rice and soup filled with chunks of meat and potatoes. The combination of warm and savory soup with sweet peanut sauce and soft satay is what makes Sate Matang so special and loved by fans?

Indonesia does not lack a variety of satay dishes. In fact, you could say that almost all regions in Indonesia have their own types of satay dishes, with uniqueness that comes from local culture and customs. According to a senior researcher at the Center for Food and Nutrition Studies at Gajah Mada University, Murdjiati Gardjito, Indonesia has 252 types of satay. Of these, only 175 types of satay have been traced. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are types of satay that you have never known or tasted before, especially if the satay comes from outside your home area. For example, Sate Matang from Aceh is not as well known to the general public as other types of satay such as Sate Maranggi, Sate Madura, and others. Even though Sate Matang has many uniqueness which makes it a delicious dish, you know.

This typical satay dish from Aceh does have a unique name. After all, all types of satay should be cooked until cooked so they can be enjoyed safely, right? Then why is this type of satay named Sate Matang? It turns out that the word 'Matang' in the name Sate Matang does not indicate the level of maturity of the meat cut on the satay, but rather indicates the origin of this satay, which is from the town of Matang Geuleumpang Dua, Bireuen Regency, Aceh. This city became the hometown of Sate Matang until its popularity increased in the 90s.

Now, Sate Matang can be found not only in Aceh, but also in several other big cities in Indonesia. However, there are still people who have never tried Aceh's typical Sate Matang. Whereas in 2013, Sate Matang has become one of the dishes from Indonesia which is registered in UNESCO as a world heritage culinary. As Indonesians, of course we also have to get to know and taste this delicious dish, right?