The Selfieee

in Faces of Hive4 years ago


Pictures make me nervous, you can't tell from this picture but they actually do.


In this one, I dropped a peace sign or is it a gang sign? I don't even know these days. Basically I put up two fingers close to my face because it is suppose to make me look cool.


This one above is pretty cool, to me at least. I feel very gangsta on that bike, which isn't mine of course. I feel weird talking about my pictures, like it is so unnatural. I wonder what @galenkp would do if he had to talk about his face in a post.


I mean, I think I have a pretty face, or at least my mum and girlfriend say so. I don't know how these things work. Okay it is getting awkward now.


Okay. This is a bottle of beer, pretty ain't it?


Cool to see you take part in it!

Thanks boss. I was very nervous but it feels like it worked out well.

Yo pretty boy

Hello pretty lady 😁

No be only you dey get that problem with camera sha.. the funny thing is that some people are good with the selfie thing.
I m about to post my own. It took me forever to strike a pose..

By the way, i can now play Fifa

You might stand a chance against me because I haven't played FIFA in years. I only have GTA, ultimate ninja storm and blur in my laptop.

Na so... before you know you go flog me like 5

My hand no strong like that.😆

Alright sir ... till then..

My nose is prettier. I want to do this challenge too. I can be a fine girl

lol Do it then. Just post a selfie in faces of hive. Easy peasy

Ok the selfie star ended with a star beer great loved it

They call it shine shine bobo

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