Sunny selfies

in Faces of Hive4 years ago (edited)

Here's my selfies in support of the campaign provoked by the response to this picture. I don't even like that one, but I've been saying for years that bloggers don't understand what makes a post valuable, interesting or attractive. You're not in primary school anymore, you're not going to be rewarded for effort.

I feel bad for the bitter incel gamers who get upset when a woman seems to profit from her looks. I could've been one of them, if my life had taken a few different turns.

The funny thing is that Instagram models could tell you how much work it is to look pretty, but they won't be eager to spoil the magic.

This was me last year, on the balcony of my office. With mixed feelings, because it was my last day there.

The weather's the same today, but I have a bad hair month. I'm letting it grow a bit longer again, and it will look like a brush for another month or two. Quarantine was a good time to do this. But now I have to find a hairdresser. I haven't had my hair cut since I moved in the summer of 2016.

The foundation in the background was for an ugly storage building. It doesn't fit in the fashionable car-free neighborhood that's being built there.

Eventually, my hair should look like this, from 2015 (Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, in front of Wall Drawing #1084 by Sol LeWitt).

Or like this, from 2017, in Essen, visiting the Blockchain Hotel.

This doesn't count, but it shows what I look like when I'm blogging. Can you guess what my special interest is?


@tipu curate

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 0/12)

Thank you!

Oh , so sorry about the sunny day. But still you look more handsome