in Faces of Hive2 years ago


There is no such thing as a self-made man. We are made up of thousands of others. Every one who has ever done a kind deed for us, or spoken one word of encouragement to us, has entered into the make-up of our character and of our thoughts, as well as our success.

They will tell you that they are using you, yes they are using you because you are useful, #Blessed are those that are being used, for some people are useless, but when being used learn to grow and develop yourself in the midst of your usefulness

poverty is like a tree in an infertile land, it will produce a fruit, which will ripe and in obedience to the force of gravity fall back to an infertile land just as the producer, unless the fruit is being picked by an external force, that will transplant it to a fertile land, it will still grow on an infertile land and remain a poor tree.


Don't live your life revolving around yourself, remember life is people and the highest investment you can make is investment in people.

Someone must have picked you up from an infertile soil and cultivate you on a fertile soil, don't beat your chest and claim that you are self-made.

We go through life building not only on our own experiences, but experiences and advice of others. Whether on purpose or accidentally, we connect with people who change our views and opinions, who ignite our passions, who impact our lives and even shape our path.

Live your life serving others and you will preserve a r resounding legacy eternal.

Life is too short, spend it wisely


Someone must have picked you up from an infertile soil and cultivate you on a fertile soil, don't beat your chest and claim that you are self-made.

Dear @ezeemmanuel , I agree with you!
By the way, Why do you and your friends wear blue uniforms?

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhah.. that's when I was still in the secondary school. I just picked the picture to make a post... That picture is more than 5years now