Looking Back And Forward || #5yearsPhotochallenge || Looking back at my past with joy (English).

in Faces of Hive4 years ago (edited)

My smile five years ago (2015).

It's very nice to remember looking back on our past. @bliss11 invites us to do this in their challenge #5yearsphotochallenge, where we look for a picture of us from five years ago and place it next to a current one.

This selfies thing is nothing new, I remember some years ago where I was addicted to selfies, I don't consider it a banality, just a way to feel good about ourselves playing with the camera.

I have always been a happy person in all my ages, every time of my life I have lived it with a lot of joy, according to the time. That is why in each of my photos you will always see me with a smile.

If you want to participate, just follow the instructions of @bliss11 at
Looking Back And Forward || #5yearsPhotochallenge || English | Spanish.


Me, five years later, today (2020).

And one from many years ago, but which I love because it reminds me of very, very happy old times (Me, at twenty-five years of age.)

I, at my twenty-five springs, the prime of life.

He and I, the greatest love, one with my prince (2019).

Life is beautiful at any age, and we are beautiful in every year of our lives, as long as we live them with joy. It's all about attitude.

Thanks to @bliss11 for this opportunity to express ourselves and have fun showing our best faces to the world.


Original content by @marybellrg.


Thank you for taking the time for this reading.



All the photographs are my property.

My signature as a Club12 Member is my own, created with the Powerpoint tool.

The paragraph separators are created by the PHC community (Powerhousecreatives) and their use is authorized for its members..


PHC's signature is a creation of @zord189 for personal use in my publications.

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@tipu curate

Thank you very much for your support.

You're beautiful all ages and phases of your life!
Keep smiling that gorgeous smile of yours! @marybellrg💗

Awwww, what a beautiful message. Thank you very much for this comment that has so much sweetness and affection impregnated it. Living each stage of our lives with joy and acceptance is what makes us happy. A hug for you and thanks for the support, you are always welcome to my blog. dear @ninahaskin


I, when I was a baby... A hug for you...

Buen post.

Un saludo desde México.

Muchisimas gracias por tu apreciación. Eres siempre bienvenido! @neuerko

Gracias por compartir tu contenido con la comunidad de El Arca (@elarca), el mismo ha sido votado por nuestra iniciativa de curación artística @stellae. Si deseas puedes delegar HP al proyecto: Delegate 25 HP Delegate 50 HP Delegate 100 HP Delegate 250HP Delegate 500HP

Gracias a ustedes por el apoyo, equipo @stellae @elarca.

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


Personas bellas si las hay! Y sonrisa y tus ojitos transmiten mucha felicidad, luz y alegría!

No caben dudas de que fuiste, sos y serás una persona que vive la vida con suma felicidad.

Te envio un abrazote enorme bella @marybellrg!!

Plof! Llegué yo, un poquito estropeada por el aterrizaje ja,ja,ja. Abrazos de cariño inmenso para ti amiga. Eres admirable.

Espectacular participación, pocas variaciones en cinco años, un poquito más corto el cabello pero la misma sonrisa, lo que nos hace darnos cuenta del paso del tiempo son esas fotos con los hijos, guao, en ellos si lo notamos. Me encanto verte @marybellrg un abrazo.

So glad to know that you've always been happy at all stages of your life. Keep being happy - that's what life is all about. ✌🙄

Thank you, dear, so do I, every age has its charms. Thank you for stopping by and supporting me, I hug you back... @maxwellmarcusart
