My first selfie challenge on the Faces of Hive

in Faces of Hive4 years ago

Images are so powerful they convey messages that can be remembered for ages. Selfies are no different. Am very grateful to the organizers of this community for coming up with such a bright idea. I want to thank @sn0n, @nicollefiallo and @jeffjagoe for their efforts.

So without much ado, here are my first 3 selfies for the selfie challenge:



How do I look in those photos?


You look amazing! Happy as can be. All the beautiful faces of hive!!!

@sn0n Thanks and looking forward to meet other beautiful faces.

Beautiful and beautiful baby <3 thanks for join the challenge !!

Awesome pictures! Thanks for joining in!

@jeffjagoe My pleasure

Mimi's smile in those post is a killer. She is stole the show. Nice mother and child selfie anyway.

@focusnow...Mimi killed it .... thanks

The baby got more of my attention, her pose and smile kill the picture, cute baby rock on.