
THANK you for posting here <3 <3 <3
And yeah, those guys can look "like meat", though they are beyond meat anyway.
Shiitake in bread crumps is also a "schnitzel" replacement deluxe :)

xxx olli

Shiitake in bread crumps sounds delicious !

I do believe you but it sure does look a lot like meat. It probably tastes even better.

I'm pretty sure I remember those tiny mushrooms ( think I've seen them in my twin sister's garden in Portugal or in the forest in my area ), although you're never really sure, there's so many types.

Hope life is treating you well and vice versa.

Un abrazo,


They're quite common and abundant... not to mention how well they taste 🤤

Life does treat me well, though I have a hard time feeling that I reciprocate enough.

Abrazo Vincent!

Life does treat me well, though I have a hard time feeling that I reciprocate enough.

The usual story. It's hard to not spread yourself thin these days.

I'm super active online but I feel the pull of the polar opposite and think things will change when I return to Portugal in two weeks time.

Pasalo bien hombre,


Un buen consejo hermano, hoy la vida se siente liviana y sencilla. Espero que para ti también 😌

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