Opening the Morning with a Cup of Coffee

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee2 years ago
Authored by @Afridany

Hi hiveans, how's your day? Have a nice morning.


I haven't posted on Cinnamon Cup Coffee in a long time, I just happen to have no content to post. But, this time I will share the story of how to start the morning with a cup of coffee.

It has been a tradition passed down in our village, that drinking coffee in the morning will be very good for health. Besides being able to increase body stamina, it can also build reflection of the mind.


Coffee in the morning can help the blood flow more fresh. Blood flow can relax the nerves in the brain. That's why I like to drink coffee in the morning. Even early morning Once after prayer, I always boil hot water and make coffee.


For me coffee is the drink of choice in the morning, besides being able to open my mind, I also feel comfortable with coffee in the morning. With coffee, I am more passionate and like to read the latest news while drinking coffee. Everything seems to feel so smooth after drinking coffee, especially if I can enjoy it while sitting at the crossroads.


In my front yard I spend a little time drinking coffee before going to work. Enjoy the sun and feel the natural atmosphere in the morning. Usually, seeing the sun rise on the eastern horizon will refresh my soul. And feel the warmth of the sun makes my head feel lighter.


The habit of drinking coffee in the morning, while enjoying the sun is one of the lifestyles of successful people. Successful people always wake up early, drink coffee and read the news. It can be found from several important lessons and living habits of the rich, it's just that coffee is not good to drink during the day. But starting the morning with a cup of coffee is a healthy lifestyle and the key to success.


That's it guys, a short story about my morning coffee today. Greetings and Thanks.

 2 years ago  

Hello @afridany1, I do agree that an early start in the mornings is greater for our health. I don't wake up early in the mornings right now because I do very late nights, but my schedule could change.
Stunning photos, and I can see why you would enjoy having coffee with such beautiful views:)
Have a nice day!

@millycf1976, oh yes. Thank you for comment my friend.

 2 years ago  

You're very welcome!

"But starting the morning with a cup of coffee is a healthy lifestyle and the key to success."
Once cup of coffee is healthy, they say! But sure, if it is the lifestyle of successful people, I'm all for it, hahaha! 🌺👍