Choice Of Preference : Coffee or Alcohol

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee27 days ago

When it comes to alcohol and coffee, I think the difference is clear and glaring. I will always say that only someone who has experienced something can talk about it so well. Either you have experienced both an alcohol intake and also a coffee intake and the effect they both have, that way you can give a full knowledge about it and choose which one you would do away with.

Design by me using Canva

If I am asked to choose between Alcohol and coffee, which one to eliminate permanently then I am choosing alcohol. I have an experience with alcohol before and the result isn’t a good one.
I had an outing with my friends one certain time and they suggested we take alcohol to get into the moment, from a small quantity we ended up taking too much. Most of my friends were even too intoxicated to pick themselves up and head home. I had to help some out even if I was battling from my end.


When I got home, I was so intoxicated and I couldn’t even feel my body, I messed up so bad by vomiting, I was so weak after I vomited and I just had to go to bed and I had a severe headache the next morning. I had to have coffee to feel better and prepare myself for my day’s activities. This is only a more valid reason why I would cancel and eliminate alcohol permanently.

There is a huge difference between the effect alcohol would have on you and the effect coffee would have on you. They both are for different reasons and purposes but then it is okay to understand that when it comes to taking coffee the reason is always for good. These differences are the factors that sway my decision to eliminate alcohol permanently.


First, Alcohol could make one intoxicated while coffee could help one stay more energetic and aware of your environment. There is no way you would want to study or work and then you would take alcohol, instead of studying or working you will end up getting intoxicated and not doing anything at all. When it comes to taking coffee, you could take coffee to study or work as it helps one stay energetic and also makes the brain relaxed.

More so, it is seen that alcohol tends to impair coordination where most times you can’t control yourself but then coffee makes one fully alert and focused. Why would someone go for something that will make you lose focus and not stay alert especially when we need to be alert and focused to face our daily activities? Most times I wonder why most people take alcohol because the effect it has on the body isn’t worth it at all.


If you have taken alcohol before, you would realize that it could make you dehydrated. It makes the mouth dry and then you just keep taking more till you get intoxicated and too weak. I would always choose my coffee, the flavor always lingers in one’s mouth, and it never leaves you dehydrated.

Most people would have a different view from mine about alcohol but to me I will always choose coffee over alcohol any day and any time. With coffee, the feeling is different and mutual. I am alert, relaxed, and even ready to do my work. Interestingly, you could even take coffee as you work. It gives a clear mind for thinking and understanding.

All images used are mine except otherwise stated

Thanks for stopping by💕
Cheers 🥂


I agree with you. How can you study or work effectively by taking alcohol when there is coffee to help you relax and increase your productivity.

Whenever I see some pass out from too much alcohol consumption, I always ask myself if the feeling they experienced afterwards is worth it at all.

 27 days ago  

The photo belongs to millycf1976 and was edited using Canva.

Thank you

In truth, alcohol is not good for the body. When we drink alcohol, the body undergoes many physical and mental changes. Coffee seems more benefits than contraindications.

Thanks for sharing your coffee story.☕

Good day.

Thank you for this comment ☺️

I should try and find photos but when I lived in the South of Spain I would sit outside in a cafe having what was called the Tengo on an old platform called Tsu. The drinks were a coffee in a glass and a glass of ice cold beer. A perfect combination for a hot summers day!

Yess you should, besides you love coffee so much, you should write here, what do you think?

Ah yes I have written a couple of times in the past. I should do again yes you are right :)

Of course! Coffee all the way
As someone who has tried both alcohol and coffee, I also would choose coffee anyday, anytime.


Great choice girl☺️☺️