Tea with essences for women | Recipe

Greetings fellow #TeaLovers! It's a pleasure to join the celebration of the tea party. In this opportunity I would like to tell you about a delicious recipe that I like to share with my mother which I call Tea with essences for woman. Join me and I'll show you how to prepare it.


To prepare this delicious tea, we need the following ingredients:

-2 tablespoons of dried hibiscus flower
-A pinch of nutmeg
-30 milliliters of melted sugar cane panela (sugar cane sugar)
-1 orange
-2 cups of mineral water



-In a pot, place the water over high heat and wait until it reaches boiling point. Add the hibiscus flowers.


-Let it boil for 5 minutes and place a lid on it to concentrate the flavor and aroma.


-Grate a pinch of nutmeg and add it to the tea, cover and let it steep for 4 minutes.

Nutmeg is beneficial for health, especially for women during their menstrual cycle, as it helps to reduce inflammation and is also analgesic. It also provides antioxidants and helps regulate blood sugar.


-We add the melted sugar cane panela. This way we avoid adding refined sugar to our tea and it turns out to be an organic preparation.


-Cut the orange in half and remove 2 wheels. Squeeze the orange, pass through a strainer and reserve the juice. Remove the contour of each orange wheel to avoid the bitterness of the peel.


-Strain the tea through a strainer to filter out the flowers.


-Add an orange wheel in each cup and pour the tea halfway, add orange juice and finish filling the cup with tea.


Our tea is ready to serve.



At home my mother and I consume it, it helps us to feel better, for me during my menstrual cycle and in general any day is ideal to enjoy these wonderful flavors and for my mother it helps her to control her diabetes and to feel relaxed.

The hibiscus flower is very beneficial for health, it helps to reduce stomach pains, it is diuretic, it helps with the digestion process. It is a great source of vitamin C and antioxidants. Its flavor is unique and lends itself to be combined with citrus fruits and spices.


I hope you like my recipe and that you are encouraged to prepare it. See you next time and happy tea day.



This publication is part of the INT'L TEA DAY CONTEST

Sources consulted


Jamaica flower




Original content by the author.
Resources: App: Canva / Giphy / Inshot
📷 Redmi 10 Smartphone
Translation done with Deepl.com
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Sí, es un té muy relajante y delicioso. Gracias por el apoyo 😃👍🏼

Yes, it is a very relaxing and delicious tea. Thanks for the support 😃👍🏼

Excelente preparación, amo tomar té y desde ya voy a incluirla en mi recetario!! Gracias por compartir!

Espero que te animes a prepararla. Gracias a ti por la visita y el apoyo. Un abrazo

That tea looks really delicious and I'm sure it tastes like it looks, what an amazing combination. I have to try it. Hugs my beautiful @chacald.dcymt


A delicious snack to share with those we love. Thanks for your support


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Your hibiscus and orange tea looks absolutely delicious 🫖. I love your presentation too—your tea set is perfect to offset the lovely deep color of the tea. Most tasty and tasteful!

A perfect snack. Thanks for your support

Yay! 🤗
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Lovely photos and presentations that make me want to drink tea. The combination and recipe are appealing.
I haven't seen fresh nutmeg in ages. My mum always had nutmeg when we were going up:)

It is a delicious combination. I loved this tea. Thanks for the support.

Hello @chacald.dcymt how delicious and comforting looks the tea you present to us. Thank you for sharing.

I'm going to have to get into your posts more often, as the presentation you make of your drinks are spectacular. Congratulations!😊