CLOSED - #STB Coffee Prompt Week 59

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee8 months ago (edited)
Authored by @@grindan

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Are you ready to #SPILLTHEBEANS?

We are waiting to hear from you!


  • Post to Cinnamon Cup Coffee Community
  • Use #spillthebeans as the first tag
  • 250 to 1000 words MAX!
  • Post in English ONLY
  • Post within the Countdown Timer which ends at 19:30 UTC on Tuesday. (No late entries)

GENERAL COMMUNITY RULES AI-unfriendly community Zero tolerance for Plagiarism. Post in English or include a translation into English. Post Titles MUST have an English translation! Please comment in English 250 words .jpg

Late entries will be muted!


Add a subheading (12).jpg


Fiction Prompt: Scientists have created a blend of coffee that allows you to recall forgotten childhood memories. Tell us a story about someone enjoying this memory provoking beverage.

Debatable Prompt: Your friend tells you that they have never tried coffee because they don’t understand the allure of it. Do you try to convince them to try it? Why or why not?

⚠️ #spillthebeans MUST be your first tag, and if your story does not cover any of the relevant scenarios presented, your post will be muted for fairness to other participants.

C'mon, put your creative caps on!

And ...

Put the kettle on; Get ~~Brewing~~ Writing-7.jpg

Images Src

The Coffee Shop Prompt Real Stories and personal photography Thursday to Wednesday Coffee Conversation a Networking Commenting Event Saturday to Monday Spill The Beans a Creative Coffee Stories Writing Event Sunday t-3.jpg



General Banners-4.jpg


Minimal Aesthetic Quote Instagram Post-3.jpg

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Delegations to the Cinnamon Cup Coffee community is welcome, by sending them to @cinnccf or @hive-152524, our community's account.


My favorite time of the week, we are going to let the imagination fly with incredible stories and lots of delicious coffee. Cheers!☕

Happy sunday!

 8 months ago  

That's great news! Looking forward to reading you:)

I know, right? I love this section, too 😌❤️

Hello, here again, the community that I enjoy very much along with my coffee.
I bring you my participation:

Greetings from this planetary corner.

Greetings coffee lovers. Here is my fictional story with coffee this week.

So excited to have the prompt back this week. I enjoyed engaging with other authors in the community and below is my entry to this week's spillthebeans prompt.

Hello everyone, how is your day going over there?
Here is my entry for the prompt

Came to say hello and spill some beans here:

Have a nice day and coffee 😁

Hi Cinnamon Coffee Community, it's been a while.

I am grateful for the chance to participate in this and I enjoyed reading irvinc and ibbtammy' childhood memories. They both had beautiful stories to tell. Here is my story

Had a blast participating in this weeks awesome topics.
Here's my link!

I'm glad when they put the initiative, these topics are very good. Here I share my participation. Happy week dear friends.

Greetings coffee lovers.

Arriving a little late that day, but with all the encouragement that only a delicious coffee can give us. He left you Rincón Poetico's participation in the call of the week. I hope you like it.

I leave you a coffee to accompany the reading. Cheers!☕

Another interesting prompt, let's see if I can meet the deadline.
Thanks for the topics

I'm just seeing the prompt. I will respond to one of them after lunch.
I can relate to the second prompt. I would like to attempt the first prompt too hehe.
I should hurry before the validation time expires.

Below is my entry.

It' was fun reading from some of the authors some made me cry and that why I always look forward to the writing prompt.

My entry here

Hi. This is a nice prompt.

So glad that I was able to make it before the deadline. It is a nice thing to write this prompt alongside other amazing authors.

Here is the link to my entry.

I love the questions and it's my first time here.
I will paste the link to my entry here.