in Cinnamon Cup Coffee2 years ago


Welcome to our curation compilation of some amazing original coffee stories from community members around the globe. It's been an amazing week with joyous stories surrounding the history, pleasures, and fascination that we all have for our favourite beverage, coffee, that we have skimmed for throughout the week.

Cinnamon Cup Coffee likes to boost your energies with our strong coffee content, so here are some outstanding ones, which we thought you'd like to check out.
If you like them too, why don't you show some love, share, and perhaps have a chat with the authors:)

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Coffee Introspection by @ungranulises

The first coffee of the morning makes me think; I have everything to go live alone and I feel so afraid to leave my parents' house, my mother says that I have the philosophy of the indigenous tribes of South America; they are mechanical, rational and without emotions, they look like ice floes, she says; that if I leave, I would turn the page very quickly and I must not forget the path that leads me to my first home, so as not to return like the prodigal son, it seems like a play and she, daily represents this same monologue, with different words but reaching the same point in a masterful way.

A peaceful and relaxing Sunday morning at 37 Household Cafe by @dodovietnam

With a beautiful location at the 37 Household Area, from the cafe, we can admire the wonderful beauty of the surrounding area. The population density in this area is low, so when we look out, we mainly only see the green of the mountains, forests and farms. Small houses are nestled in that majestic natural space.

Would you like to drink coffee over a raging mountain stream?... Favorite cafe in Kezme Boğazı canyon. by @olga.maslievich

The first acquaintance with Jacob - the owner and creator of this creative cafe. The first coffee in Turkish, sitting on Turkish pillows barefoot, looking into the abyss and listening to the sound of water falling from a height! These impressions live in my heart and evoke pleasant nostalgic feelings in my soul...

My weekend time at a coffee shop in the highland! by @tuocchu

Before stepping into the café, I intend to choose a seat fathest away from the crowd insidem, however, the sun and hot temper at noon stop me doing that choice. In this position, those cactus are planted as the fence look so green, they added a white sofa and chairset next to the fence while a lot of sunshine rays filter in throught small logs on the head.

Costa Coffee Experience in Latvia by @rimicane

...You see the same cake display as in the UK (pardon, was not worth the snap). No Latvian desserts, just the same standard you get over here. No problems there.
Then, you see this wooden box of treasures. But wait a second... that's not a Latvian language, that's Polish. Other than random labels in the background, there is no chance of knowing what that is.
Common Costa, you can do better. Pick something local, something Latvian that people understand!

One Shot of Espresso in The Morning - Morning Coffee Is Not About Romanticism But About Pragmatism by @isdarmady

Choosing espresso for the morning, may be suitable to describe the circumstances of my life as a grown man who is bitter and full of problems. This bitter espresso is also drunk only one gulp (one shot) without having to taste the bitterness for too long. Like the life we experience too, we should not be too long to grieve and complain because it will pass if we are wise to go through it.

My magical morning elixir by @luzvicente

I usually go out to my corner of Light, under my beautiful loquat tree to drink my coffee, while I let my breakfast simmer. While tasting that rich flavor, I let myself be carried away by the sounds of nature, to fill myself with that rich energy. I watch the butterflies fluttering in the garden, while I take small sips, wishing that magical moment would never end. At that moment there is only nature, my coffee and me, sitting in my wooden armchair under the loquat tree.

Fortune-telling from Turkish Coffee 🔮& Türk kahvesinden Fal Bakmak by @ipexito

A characteristic of Turkish coffee is that after drinking the liquid part of the coffee, coffee powders, called "coffee grounds", remain at the bottom of the cup. Some people tell fortunes from the patterns that these coffee grounds leave due to gravity after the cup is closed.

Joy comes to my mornings, accompanied by a good coffee by @eollarvesm

One of the most motivating things I find to start the day with a smile, knowing that coffee is always there available for me and my friends, who, like me, learn by becoming knowledgeable about things like trying good coffee, while We enjoy its flavor and aroma.

Koff & by @waybeyondpadthai


Coffee tips from my coffee expert friend
There are roasts to choose from. If it's americano, personally usually go with light roast and if it's latte or cappuccino or anything with milk at all, I go with darker roast just to smooth things out but not too light so..

Tea in cute porcelain 🐇 cups at a Chinese Restaurant by @bearmol

After being escorted to our table, we had a cursory glance through the menu before we settled on having the regular lunch set. We found these tea cups very interesting with the varying decorative rabbit designs.

Mid-week Coffee; or Catching a Break in a Crazy Week! by @bertrayo

I was starting to feel s very early case of stage fright.
Fortunately, last Wednesday, there were some things that saved my zen...

A brew-tiful morning with 'BUT FIRST, COFFEE' cafe by @sellennee

Nothing can plaster a smile on your face more than smelling freshly brewed coffee amidst stressful days. A brewtiful day, indeed.

Sanger Coffee : Coffee And Milk Concoction, With An Unusual Taste by @veri-ardhian

Various kinds of coffee shops also appear with various charms and by following the times, but not a few traditional coffee shops still maintain the characteristics and taste of their coffee... Aceh does...

The Coffee Shop Blog 25, ” A Blend of Brazil and Columbia” by @meilo1995

The coffee I had got was a blend called Milky Way. I wanted to try as an espresso coffee as they had made this blend to be used for cappuccino and lattes .. in other words milk based drinks.

Nespresso for the Love of Coffee by @sassy.cebuana

Do you ever have that urged to buy your own coffee maker and enjoy sipping your coffee at the comfort of your home? Well, there's no fret anymore! Nespresso had recently opened a new branch at Ayala Malls,Cebu.

My Relationship with Coffee by @leidimarc

How often do I drink it?
It is not so frequent, not because I don't want it, but because my gynecologist forbade me to drink it because I have polycystic breasts and it is advisable not to drink this beverage, among other things.

Thank you for checking out #TheGrind, 3Cs Coffee Curation of awesome coffee posts from the community.

If you are a coffee lover and looking for somewhere to share your experiences, please check out Cinnamon Cup Coffee and subscribe right here.

Coffee is my Saviour. I shall not want Coffee maketh in green pastures and plantations Coffee restoreth my soul Coffee leadeth me in the paths of green hilly pastures For Caffeeine name sake. Yea though the work is h.jpg

A parody from a fictional book


Minimal Aesthetic Quote Instagram Post-2.jpg

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Yay! Glad to be on this list. More coffee stories soon, Hivers! <333

 2 years ago  

That's great news!
It was a pleasure reading your story, and you definitely earned a spot in this publication.
Well done👏
Don't mention it0-2.jpg

Wow, I am so flattered to be listed. Thank you very much.

 2 years ago  

You're very welcome.
It's a pleasure to facilitate this space for you to share great content:)

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 2 years ago  

Nice work everyone. So many great posts to read this week. Keep up the good work 👏

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Congratulations to everyone mentioned in this week's list. Thanks to @cinnccf for including our bunny tea cup post as well. Much appreciated. Have an awesome weekend.