My best gift as a coffee lover ☕

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Mother's Day was on Sunday May 12, I had a wonderful time, celebrated by my family 👑 and receiving some congratulations and special gifts from some friends.


I thank life because there are people who love, appreciate and value me as a person, for who I am, that is invaluable to me.

Now in this opportunity I am going to show you my new cups to drink coffee, the truth is that since I drink this black coffee or with milk, the cups to enjoy this drink are not superfluous.


I love them big and with beautiful decorations, so when I talk about my preferences in coffee cups, I am very specific and well I realize that most people are very attentive to my tastes.

On Mother's Day I received two very original gifts, beautiful and colorful coffee mugs to be honored by two coworkers, who know very well that I can't resist one and these details really made my day.


That same day I used one of the mugs and today the other one, I am so happy because the truth is that my collection of mugs has grown and I love it because it undoubtedly increases my passion for coffee ☕ ♨️ 🤎.


For who loves coffee like me, this is an excellent gift, the cups are key to enjoy a delicious coffee 😊 is an important container to preserve the flavor and temperature ♨️ and that's why I'm always detailing material, size and shape.


My hours of coffee without a doubt must be accompanied by my favorite cup, this is my ideal companion, I appreciate this gift synonymous with sharing and enjoyment.🤎♨️☕



mi mejor regalo como amante del café ☕

El día de las mamás, fue el domingo 12 de mayo, la verdad la pasé de maravilla, celebrada por mi familia 👑 y recibiendo algunas felicitaciones y obsequios especiales de algunas amistades.

Agradezco a la vida porque hay personas que me aman, aprecian y valoran como persona, por lo que soy eso es invaluable para mí.

Ahora bien en está oportunidad paso a mostrarles mis nuevas tazas para tomar café, la verdad desde que tomo este negrito o con leche, las tazas para disfrutar de esta bebida no están demás.

A mí me encantan grandes y con decoraciones hermosas, así que cuando me toca conversar sobre mis preferencias en tazas para café, soy muy específica y bueno me doy cuenta, que la mayoría de las personas estan muy atentas a mis gustos.

El día de las mamás recibí dos regalos muy originales se trata de unas tazas para café, hermosas y muy coloridas para ser homenajeada por dos compañeras de trabajo, que saben muy bien, que no me resisto a una y estos detalles si que me alegraron mi día.

Ese mismo día utilice una de las tazas y hoy la otra, estoy tan contenta porque la verdad mí colección de tazas a crecido y eso me encanta porque acrecienta, sin duda mi pasión por el café ☕ ♨️ 🤎.

Para quien ama el café como yo, esto es un excelente regalo, las tazas son clave para disfrutar de un delicioso cafe 😊 es un recipiente importante para conservar el sabor y la temperatura ♨️ y por eso siempre estoy detallando material, tamaño y forma.

Mis horas de café sin duda deben estar acompañadas si o si, de mi taza favorita, esta es mi acompañante ideal, agradezco este regalo sinónimo de compartir y disfrutar.🤎♨️☕

Content and photographs by me edition Canva.



Congratulations friend for your new mug, enjoy it!

Some beautiful cups. It makes drinking coffee in one of your beautiful cups a very pleasant and flavorful experience.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.☕

Good Tuesday.

Yes they are beautiful and inspire to have a delicious coffee 🤎 with love ❤️

Hello! They are beautiful gifts, I loved the 2 mugs, you are very lucky and dear! Happy day! Greetings 💖

If they are a hermosuraby I thank life 🙏 why there are those who like to celebrate me with what I love ☕♨️❤️ a cup for coffee 😊.

I agree. You have to like the cup to enjoy coffee to the fullest. Those mugs were really beautiful gifts ❤️

Sii the truth was a very charming surprise ☕♨️❤️ for me the cups are icon of a coffee, the main piece that inspires and accompanies... Seeing my collection grow is very important to me 🤩 the truth is that I am a new and enthusiastic coffee lover and the experience is fabulous 🤎

 29 days ago  

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Have a Coffee-Licious Day
From the Cinnamon Cup Coffee team.🤗

Photo and logo is the property of millycf1976. The image was edited in Canva.

Thank you for the cup of coffee 😊 it's wonderful, yes of course I love to enjoy other posts and leave my appreciation 💙 that makes this aromatic coffee flavored community ☕ stronger.... Happy day and may you never lack a warm cup of coffee and a good company to share ❤️♨️☕

Awww, such a very pretty gifts, and useful too coz you are one coffee lover. So happy for you that ypu received such gift where you can use everyday, that's for sure no, hehe ✨😆

Yes a mug is an ideal gift for a coffee lovers... thank you for visiting

What a beautiful gift, enserió, I would love one and all.

Thanks I love coffee mugs ☕ so it becomes an ideal gift ♨️

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Congratulations on that special day that really should be the soul that whole.

As for the coffee mugs, I fully agree.
My oldest coffee mug suffered an accident and lost the handle. But, in another cup my coffee does not taste the same.
So, I know what that gift means and how good it feels to drink it in your favorite mugs. Happy day. Cheers and greetings.

Felicidades en ese día tan especial que realmente debe ser el alma que todo.

En cuanto a las tazas de café, estoy totalmente de acuerdo.
Mi taza de café más antigua sufrió un accidente y perdió el asa. Pero, en otra taza mi café no sabe igual.
Así que sé lo que significa ese regalo y lo bien que sienta tomarlo en tus tazas favoritas. Feliz día. Salud y saludos.

Definitely my friend, the best gift for a coffee-loving mommy, are some cute little cups... they are beautiful. Congratulations to you, enjoy them very much.