Coffee shop: Old but warm

in Cinnamon Cup Coffeelast year (edited)

The weather is not good to go out in this city one afternoon and it looks like it could rain in the evening. A date with a friend I haven't seen in a while pulls me out of the house and stops being lazy. My friend met at a nearby coffee shop, I didn't know it until I looked at googlemap. When I got there I understood why it was not found in my area. It is quite difficult to find and seems to have to go into long alleys like snakes crawling in a maze of many nooks and crannies. It seems to start from their own house, not that they rent space to open a store. Nice little house with the first floor and a small garden used as a place to sell drinks. It is called Under Canopy Pine Tree, located at 12A Trieu Viet Vuong, Da Lat city, Vietnam.




The owner lives on its second floor. Yes, that's probably why it makes customers feel close and comfortable as if they were in their own little house. The shop has no staff, the couple does everything, especially they are sincere but a bit shy. Not too many visitors as it largely depends on how many visitors find it on their social networks. Maybe that's why it's a good space to really relax with a drink here.






We choose a private corner that is separated from the natural fence by surrounding trees and the view below. The host enthusiastically brought the menu to the table and advised us on drinks. It makes me feel warm to be welcome.



There's a full range of espresso and cappuccinos, and teas like artichoke, jasmine, lotus, etc., of course, popular drinks like smoothies and fruit juices. fresh, extremely cheap price about 35,000 VND (1.5 USD). My friend chose a mango smoothie and I chose a regular espresso and mixed with a little fat coconut milk and frothy ice shake. I don't use much coconut milk for fear of overpowering the coffee flavor but still have a bit of fat and aroma of coconut milk and coffee. If I want a stronger drink, don't shake the ice and drink it hot. It is very great !



Actually, I think the space affects quite a lot on the experience of enjoying drinks. Because if you're not in a hurry to get to work, spending time slowly next to a place with lots of trees and flowers around is great with that sipping. Here they decorate very rustic and simple from wooden slats, old doors or a pair of discarded boots.






It feels like there is a message that brings me back to being here, a bit old and nostalgic. Plus the surrounding quiet and cool, I had a very good experience there with my friend.



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 last year  

Hello there!
Welcome back! It's been a while since we've last seen you. What an honour to see this lovely post on this gem of a coffee shop.
Old, but warm indeed, and it's kind of nice that the couple serves and do everything themselves. I like the artwork and little quirks everywhere.

Not too many visitors as it largely depends on how many visitors find it on their social networks. Maybe that's why it's a good space to really relax with a drink here.

I do think that's the reason, indeed!


Yes, I had an accident and took some time to recover, everything is fine.

I like how they utilize and exploit the house efficiently. They seem happy to meet, chat and serve their customers every day. Enjoy coffee with a bit of local culture.

 last year  

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that you had an accident.
It's nice to know that you're doing well again and back in the blogging world.
All good wishes 🌈

It's unfortunate that I don't have any coffee shop around me.

I'd really like to experience this with my friends. The way you described it, I could sense the feeling of homeliness and I'm sure the couple elevated it.

It was really a day we'll spent for you.. Thanks for sharing.

Unfortunately, maybe we are lucky that this land is suitable and there are a lot of popular coffee trees around. Or you can open a store in the future

What a spectacular find! The place looks rustic, but inviting. It looks comfortable and seems like a great space to just relax and enjoy the view of the skyline and a reasonably priced drink.

I particularly like the ladder leading up to the second floor; that must be quite a precarious way to get in and out of your house, especially late at night. ☕️❤️🤗

I agree with you, it looks uncertain. Perhaps the people here are used to such foolish recklessness. I believe it will be fine.

Welcome back em, hope you're getting better:) This post reminds me of our trip to Da Lat, miss the place and food so badly now :) Lovely coffee shop and warm atmosphere 😍

#hive on and let's write more @crazy-bee

The return of the King:))

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That's a lovely place, it looks so bohemian, I'd love to visit it sometime.

Well it's lovely not surrounded by walls.

What a beautiful, homey coffee corner! Looks a great place to spend the day and just be :) Love the natural surroundings. I imagine you would love to go back again?