I woke up without coffee 😭/Amanecí sin café.ENG-ESP

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee3 months ago (edited)


How nice to be able to greet you my adorable coffee makers 😍 I was a little absent during a rather hectic week. Every day is a hope 😊 and coffee is our great companion 😞 today it doesn't accompany me properly.
Late last night I told my aunt 😅 the coffee was finished, and it was about a teaspoon and a half, she answered me but there comes out a guarapo as we say in Venezuela, 😞 inside I said it won't come out the way I like it. It was too late to go out shopping so there was no way.


I wake up very early with my human alarm clock, my beloved son, the power goes out and we go down to our daily routine. I just thought sadly, the coffee will not be the same.
I see the jar and there was actually only a little left, I will make a mini portion for myself, it won't be as strong as I like but I know I will enjoy them, looking around I realized that I have some decorations in the fridge related to coffee and I wanted to share them 😁 ☕
The morning was cloudy and cool, my son and I sat on the porch. He had his delicious cooked oatmeal for breakfast and I with my coffee in hand enjoying the fresh breeze and calm atmosphere. I could say "I did it" a little bit of coffee came out, I only added two fingers of water to taste it.☕❤️
What I want to say with this text is that it is so unpleasant to wake up and not have enough coffee at home, coffee really is like my medicine, it is my energy, it is my morning push.







Has it happened to you? And how do you feel when it happens?☕☕☕❤️

Thank you very much for reading me, the text is my original authorship, photos taken by my Xiaomi T11 cell phone edited in Canva, Google translator.
A loving hug 😚

Que grato poder saludarles mis adorables cafeteros 😍 estaba un poco ausente entre una semana bastante agitada. Todos los días es una esperanza 😊 y el café es nuestro gran compañero 😞 hoy no me acompaño como es debido.
Anoche tarde le digo a mi tía 😅 se terminó el café, y quedaba como cdita y media, ella me responde pero allí sale un guarapo como decimos en Venezuela, 😞 dentro de mi decía no saldrá como a mí me gusta. Era muy tarde para salir a comprar así que ni modo.

Despierto bien temprano con mi despertador humano mi hijo adorado, se va la luz y bajamos a nuestra rutina diaria. Solo pensaba con tristeza el café no será igual.


Veo el frasco y efectivamente solo quedaba un poco, haré una mini porción para mí, no me quedará fuerte como me gusta pero sé que los disfrutaré, observando me di cuenta que tengo unos adornos en la nevera referente al café y les quise compartir 🫂😁☕

La mañana estaba nublada y fresca, nos sentamos en el porche mi hijo y yo. Él desayunando su rica avena cocida yo con mi café en mano disfrutando de la brisa fresca y ambiente tranquilo. Pude decir " lo logré" salió un poco de café solo agregué dos dedos de agua para saborearlo.☕❤️







Lo que quiero decir con este texto es que es tan desagradable despertar y no tener café suficiente en casa, el café realmente es como mi medicina, es mi energía es mi empuje mañanero.
¿Te ha pasado ? ¿Y cómo te sientes cuando pasa?☕☕☕❤️

Muchas gracias por leerme, el texto es original de mi autoría, fotos tomadas por mi celular Xiaomi T11 editadas en Canva, traductor de Google.
Un abrazo cariñoso 😚


 3 months ago  



Thank you very much for the note, I was able to improve it for your better understanding ☕❤️

I agree with you, coffee is a blessing to start the day when we are in a very low mood. Thank God for coffee🤭.

Very nice photos that you share with us this afternoon. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.☕

Good day.

Thank you very much for reading my coffee anecdotes ☕❤️

Human alarm clock, hehe I have two of those myself! I’m glad you were able to have at least a bit of coffee, and hopefully were able to get more later on. Thanks for sharing your morning with us :)!

Our best alarm clock, grateful for your comment, and enjoy this beautiful passion.

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Hi, I understand you perfectly, when we don't have coffee when we wake up it's horrible, that's our impulse to be able to start a good day, at least you managed to make a small portion, hahaha. A hug.