Secrets Of Palazza stead

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee9 months ago

During winter, Daniel and his family relocated to a small town in the uphills known as Palazza. It was a town with evergreen trees and it was a perfect place for young couples. They stayed late through the night tidying up the two bedroom flat and packing up debris and left over stuff by the old tenants.

"Babe, did you see my wrist watch?" Daniel asked his wife who was busy picking up some items. She looked around before replying him,

"I don't think it's here, maybe you should check the bin", She suggested. He checked around for some time before settling to go check the bin.

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He was at the bin picking out items when he felt a hand grip him, and before he could realize what had happened, he saw himself in a strange place. He looked around and nothing looked familiar. He walked some meters from where he saw himself, there he met an old man sitting beside an orchard tree. After exchanging greetings, Daniel asked,

"Please Sir, I found myself here and I can't explain how I got here. Where is this place?"

The old man smiles as he sip from the cup of coffee resting on a small table.

"Are you from Palazza?" He asked, daniel nodded ,

"Yes sir " he replied.

"Come let's take a walk" The old man suggested.

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The old man walked Daniel through the garden with abundant coffee trees.

"Until I came here did I realize Palazza had a secret. Beneath every bin is a portal that allows one to choose between the evergreen trees with strawberries or a world of coffee like this one. As you can see I choose coffee " he said with a grin countenance. He opened the tap next to him and it flushed out coffee instead of water.

"Surprised right?" Daniel nodded.

"You'll need to brew water here, while coffee flows naturally," he added.

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Daniel had struggles with the cost of coffee in the world he came from, finding a world that offered him free coffee sounded good especially with the fact that he was a lover of coffee drink. The old man took him around the garden while telling him stories of a sweet coffee with different flavor around the garden.

"I've been here for the past 40 years, drinking coffee" he sighs and offers him some.

Daniel knew if he stayed too long in the garden, he'd surely grow tired of the coffee and he wasn't ready to allow coffee to lose its relevance in his life. Besides, he has a family he cares about in the other world.

"I'll want to go back"

"Remember, this experience happen just once in a man's life"

"I know, but I still want to return. I'll buy the coffee and enjoy it , not alone but with my wife".

It seems as if the world heard his decision because Immediately after making the statement, a whirlwind sprinted around him and the next minute he was standing beside the bin.

"Honey, I've found your watch, you had kept it in one of your clothes" his wife's voice came from the living room.

 9 months ago  

The photo belongs to millycf1976 and was edited using Canva.

Wow. I was already picturing a tragic end. But boom. It's really nice story. The city of Coffee. But he preferred being with his loving wife. I think that is the lesson.

Every man should desire his wife's company the more

Lol. Exactly. It's priceless

Wow, I am glad he got back home. His wife would have been devastated if he hadn't.

Hello dearest dreemer. I hope you are well. Happy Tuesday! Remember what today entails. Yippee! It is 3 tunes. Haha. I waltzed in from #dreempor, for I am an amazing #dreemer. An awesomely made #dreemerforlife.

Hehehe, almost forgot today is Tuesday. Thanks for the reminder

Haha. You are welcome 😊

I reckon I'd choose the coffee haha.. thanks for sharing your creativity :)

#dreemerforlife beemed down from #dreemport - to this #dreemer curated post :)

Hahaha. Someone likes coffee

Daniel must have been tempted to stay but because of his family, he had to return.

Although it's free, it wouldn't take long before he gets tired. If he struggles to get coffee, how much more water that he use more.

Nice story.

I think getting water is more easier in the outside water. You just dig a well

Nice decision to have gone back to the real world. Too much of coffee would certainly cause it to loose its relevance.

Ah, someone finally agree with my decision.
And we are definitely right