STB Contest 7: "The Strange Coffee Lover"

Hello dear friends welcome to the hottest community of the platform ❤️ today joining it through a super fun contest from the @cinnccf team where basically we are asked to recreate a story, having as a basis of inspiration a reference title and of course a context set in our precious coffee. Participating already for week n°7, with much affection for you I leave you with my little story titled: "The strange coffee lover".

Like every morning, every day, every year, I have a somewhat monotonous routine, as many would say. I get up, tidy my room, go to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth, get dressed according to the occasion, prepare my freshly brewed espresso coffee, still hot, and drink it while looking out the window at the beautiful sunrise.

I have to say that I repeat this "routine" several times a day, 3 times a day at the most, since I consider myself a coffee lover, even a bit addicted to coffee, and I am one of those who if I don't drink it, my mood is not very pleasant. My final theory is that I definitely need my daily dose of caffeine to be the good person that everyone knows.

And you may ask: where does the mystery begin?...well, as a good coffee lover, I obviously keep a close eye on every gram of coffee I use. So one fine day just before preparing my usual espresso coffee, I noticed something strange and unusual for me, the coffee container was lower than I remembered, I instantly asked myself: What happened...this is not normal? The possible reasons (unlikely) that came to me were that either the container had a hole in it or I was taking an extra daily dose and I didn't remember it, because I never imagined that I would have a strange visitor as addicted and coffee lover as I was.

Obviously from that moment on, my monotonous morning routine changed completely, since instead of doing the usual chores, my mind went beyond waking up and started to think: "What happened to my coffee?

I tried to keep an eye on the container and the brewed coffee itself, discarding perhaps some paranormal activity...and nothing. Discouraged and frustrated, a week went by and so did my meticulous routine, until one day an idea occurred to me...what if I set a trap for "whatever it is" that is stealing my coffee?

That's what I did, I placed a very succulent cup of coffee as a "decoy" and on purpose and not at all obvious, I hid in the hours outside my "usual" routine, because at that time as I was busy doing chores, I could not realize before what was taking my coffee. Several hours passed, incredibly fun and not at all boring, until one moment a white thing caught my attention, A RABBIT! After discovering and appreciating the whole scene of the robbery an inevitable laughter came out of me spontaneously. The most interesting thing was to ask myself afterwards, since when did I have this little visitor with me, and how come he likes coffee as much as I do, the most absurd and illogical and not at all real thing I could have imagined happened, I had a rabbit that visited me every day to drink coffee... and the funniest thing... did he like coffee as much as I do? And the funniest did I get to drink the coffee I had left over?...AJA!, The answer to why I was making more coffee than usual lately and why I was running out so fast, "I thought I couldn't have a bad memory".

Laughing and looking on the bright side, I solved the mystery of the strange coffee thief and I also had a new little friend with me who shared a taste for coffee. So in addition to my daily routine, I started to place and leave a small cup of coffee with milk with a big and appetizing carrot to make my strange coffee lover feel as comfortable as possible.

P.S. This story did not happen to me and it is not real either😁

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  • All content is my own and images are my property

  • Camera: Redmi note 10s

  • I use an LED light ring as a base for my phone to take pictures of myself

 2 years ago  

A coffee drinking rabbit, imagine how fast and hyper it would be all (wait for it) hopped up on caffeine....

Pun pun pun pun 😆


Ok; this comment made my day. Shows the value of not just reading posts, but also the comments below ;)

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  

Hello @edwarlyn11

Im happy you solved tht mystery:)

Good story, Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed the read very much.

I think this is a great story to tell and even in a realistic way, I love the idea of a bunny that quickly sneaks into the house to drink the remaining coffee, a super agile and fast bunny. With the carrot now the bunny will be able to stay longer and the person will enjoy his new companion more