Coffee at Retford's Answer to the Sydney Opera House. 😂

The weather has turned warmer in the past few days, which always lifts the spirits. We decided to pop into Starbucks for a coffee. I’m more of a Costa Coffee fan but this building is something special. It was commonly known as the ‘butterfly’ building for its unusual roof and is now a listed building.

According to the plaque on the wall, it was built in the 1960s by architect Sam Scorer helped by structural engineer, Dr Hajnal-Kónyi. Originally, the building was an old petrol station with a canopy roof. It was a popular design back in the day.

After the petrol station closed down for good, it was turned into a Little Chef in the 1980s.

After the redevelopment of the area, the Little Chef also closed its doors and the building remained empty until Starbucks took it over in 2019.

It was quite nice inside, very clean and the staff were friendly and welcoming. We ordered a skinny latte and a coconut cappuccino with chocolate sprinkles.

I've never had a coconut cappuccino before. The first few sips was quite nice. Sadly, after that it just tasted like hot water. This is what you get when you try something different!

It was still good to try a different coffee house, especially one as quirky as this. Someone described it as Retford's answer to the Sydney Opera House. 😂

Photos by @ellenripley - Julie S. All rights reserved.

 2 years ago  

Hello @ellenripley, I like the history behind that building.
I can see why you chose Starbucks over your usual Costa Coffee.
I have never seen a design like this before.

Both the cappuccino and the latte look good too, but also the first time I'm hearing about Coconut Cappuccino...Shame it didn't make the grade. They probably only sprinkled a little coconut on top, and didn't necessarily use coconut milk
Still, I can't get over that building though. I'm happy you got the views from different angles, because I was keen to see the design of the back.
...Yes, the weather was nice today 😁.
Have a nice Easter weekend!

Thank you @millycf1976. I saw the coconut milk being used. Let's just say, it must have been a very weak coconut! Enjoy the warm weather over the weekend. Knowing the UK, it will be snowing by Monday. 😅

 2 years ago  

You are right, as long as the sun stays out today, that's ok with me. I am heading to a wedding shortly:)

Have a lovely day!

 2 years ago  

Thank you 🤞

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