Coffee at the Nature Reserve: Meeting Walter and Mitty the Resident Peacocks

While I am on holiday, during a recent trip to the Blue Pool Nature Reserve in Wareham, Dorset, my friend and I popped into the on-site cafe. Even though it wasn’t a very taxing walk, the cafe was a welcome break after walking along the many trails. I think walking is especially nice when there's a coffee waiting for you at the other end.

Even though it was quite nice inside, it was a bit crowded, so after ordering a black americano, an egg and mayo cob and a baked potato with cheese, beans and salad, we decided to take advantage of the sun while it lasts, and sat outside in the picnic area.

It was here that we first encountered Walter and Mitty, the resident peacocks. Apparently, they were adopted by the nature reserve about a year ago. Walter has also made an appearance on Youtube. As we sat down, we noticed the two colourful birds strutting around the outdoor seating area looking for food. They seemed to be quite at home. Walter, was the more dominant of the two birds.

Walter particularly seemed to have a competitive streak when it came to food. In fact, I thought about putting two more place mats down on the table! They seemed to eat anything and everything.

Unfortunately, he wouldn't let Mitty have any food, but I made sure she had her share of our titbits. Girl power, and all that!

My friend took this photo of Walter eating out of my hand.

Thank goodness they don't like coffee. I don't share coffee with anyone! However, I do think coffee looks so much better with a chocolate brownie. In the end, our encounter with Walter and Mitty added something a bit extra special to our visit to the cafe.


Wao that place is beautiful, it's very cozy, it makes you want to be there drinking coffee with that pleasant and colorful company.

A coffee, a chocolate brownie, a beautiful place and peacocks, all in the same place,I think you can call it perfection =)

Oh yes, absolutely. 🙂

I loved this place, thanks for showing it, and what beautiful animals, hopefully I can visit places like this in the future✨

Thank you. It's not every day you have a peacock eating out of your hand. 🙂

This place is a dream, gosh, so beautiful!!! thanks to share with us

My pleasure. 🙂

Nice walk with a coffee waiting is a treat. Very surprising to see peacocks being so tame. The brownie looked too yummy to be shared with peacocks too.

I don’t think I had any choice with Walter. 😁

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A parody from a fictional book

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