
It is now proven that coffee addiction is not wrong, so many young people and adults prefer coffee over other things.



And this time we can take the wisdom behind coffee addiction and the many benefits of coffee that very few people know so they hate drinking coffee, therefore let's look at the benefits of coffee for health and if this is useful, please share this post.

Here are the benefits of drinking coffee for health:

  • Maintain brain health
  • Maintain the health of the liver
  • Reduces the risk of cancer
  • Reduces the risk of gallstones
  • Maintain heart health
  • Maintain weight
  • Reduces the risk of diabetes

I myself actually never thought that coffee was not judged by its benefits but as breakfast and thirst recovery so that I myself did not realize that after drinking coffee a lot has changed from my life, especially now.

In choosing coffee, maybe in our area we don't mind because there are so many stalls that provide coffee, even Aceh coffee, so I prefer my own specialty to other specialties.




As for this afternoon, I chose the Tanjung coffee shop as a place to drink my coffee and I tried to enjoy this coffee with the atmosphere of the wind under the previous mango tree beside this shop.

That's all about the benefits of coffee for health and I hope you will like coffee as much as you love your own health.

 3 years ago  

Hello @irwanis, these are some strong claims to benefits of coffee, with no source of facts.

I think slowly all these benefits will be felt @millycf1976

I love coffee, especially in the morning. Most of all - black.
I also read a lot, watch and write about coffee on this topic.

It's nice to know you I hope the benefits of coffee that I don't know yet shared

Yes. I have all this in my posts about coffee here in the Cinnamon Cup Coffee Community

Good very good then, greetings from @irwanis