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RE: Begging For Votes

My advice to anyone, anywhere on HIVE:

  1. Focus on creating quality content.
  2. Honestly engage with other content creators
  3. Converse with those who reply to your posts

Success is slow, but if you build a strong foundation, you will also build a better community around yourself in due time.


This. I happily manually curate and have since the beginning. I also happily upvote newbies who are finding their feet here, even if their early attempts are not "high quality," I'm more about genuine interaction so even if their posts are short or whatever if it's real I'm for it. But as soon as people are like "WHY AREN'T I GETTING THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS" I'm out. I'm sorry y'all but where did you read that you were guaranteed a get rich quick scheme? Did you see a trending post get a couple hundred and thought your sh*tposts would get that too? Did you realize that trending post is from a witness who does a lot for the community, or someone who's been here for five years, or someone who posted something really amazing and isn't just what every post gets? My Gods, take a look around besides filtering for the most upvoted posts and try and find some communities you like and interact with them. Then you can be pleasantly surprised when you get a nicely-upvoted post. I've been here for 4 1/2 years and I'm still excited when I get one, because I know it's not guaranteed!!

Quite right. Newcomers probably won't be polished writers. We're all in an ongoing learning process, but those who are genuine at the core and willing to work toward technical improvement by practicing will be far more likely to find success in the long run. And it isn't a get-rich-quick guarantee. I could probably earn more if I chased hot topics, but I am content with my hodge-podge potpourri of just sharing what interests me.

exactly so. communication is the key, and creating a lot of ties and a friendly environment is the most important thing... perhaps even more important, than the content... well, maybe. not sure which one is more important, hehe. -- !BEER

I totally agree, easy ways do not exist in Hive, if you want good results you need great efforts, success is not easy.

 2 years ago  

No, success comes from great effort and consistency.
An incubated community does not mean that it's a place to present mediocre posts and receive big votes.
I have community members who presented and continue to do so with effort and pride from the early days before the community was incubated.
Let passion and care shine through, and rewards will be merited then:)

You're right, this hit the spot.

 2 years ago  

Thank you! That was my aim:)

 2 years ago  

Great advice; Well Said 👍
@jacobtothe Have a lovely day:)

Hey @jacobtothe, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.