The island that needed coffee.


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Patricio lived in the most remote place in the region. It was not an ordinary town, but rather an island. To get there you had to take a boat, people called it "La Isla Blanca" (The White Island). Because of its remoteness, people from outside did not visit it and the inhabitants of Isla Blanca did not go out much to visit the city. The islanders had organized themselves intelligently to live far away from everything.

Trade was supplied every three months, so quarterly half a dozen small boats arrived with food, medicine, cleaning supplies and everything else the islanders might need during that time. Patricio worked for Don Julián, together they were in charge of taking coffee to all the homes on Isla Blanca.

Coffee was a very appreciated product on the island, it was consumed exaggeratedly, from the youngest to the oldest enjoyed several cups of coffee a day. The days passed quickly on the island and before they knew it, it was time to deliver again, this was the fourth quarter of the year, the last shipment that would see Isla Blanca until the following year, Don Julian and Patricio were preparing to receive their shipment of coffee.



Boxes and boxes filled the large warehouse, the unloading lasted several hours. Exhausted, they looked proudly at the day's work and said goodbye to rest until the next day. A call from Don Julian surprised Patricio much earlier than usual.

"You have to come right away to the store Patricio."

"I will be there as soon as possible Don Julian. But what happened? tell me."

"I can't tell you over the phone, you have to see it with your own eyes. Come right away."

When Patricio arrived at the warehouse Don Julián greeted him pale, he had one of the packages of coffee open in his hands, but instead of coffee a white powder was peeking out of the wrapper. Patricio paled as well.

"But what is this?"

"I don't know, this is what all the houses are like, at least all the ones I could check. We're ruined."

"Something can be done, tomorrow we'll hire a boat and go with the distributors."

"It's a good idea, hopefully this will be repaired, because it's not only about this small company, we are the only ones who sell coffee on the island, people will go crazy if their appreciated coffee."

Another surprise awaited them on the morning news.

"City police are alerting the public and nearby residents that a giant shipment of drugs has been accidentally brought into the common market. Police do not know how much of the drug is involved, but are urging all businesses to turn in the shipment if they receive it. This, in addition to taking drugs off the streets, would put the mafia in check."

Patricio and Don Julian exchanged glances, the situation was getting complicated, the strange white powder was a drug shipment. Cops and mobsters were looking for them all over the region and they had it all there in their warehouse. Together they decided not to say anything until they had clear ideas, weeks went by and they still didn't know what to do. People were looking for coffee and they had nothing to offer them, desperation began to inhabit the island. In just a few days, traffic accidents and street fights increased, people were in a bad mood.

When things started to get more violent, Don Julian and Patricio boarded a boat to the city, they could not delay any longer, they had to talk to the police. On the small boat they met a friend of Don Julian's, a veteran police traveler.

"What do you think about what has happened with the drug shipment? It could be anywhere, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack."

"Well whoever has it should turn it over to the police," Patricio said in a firm voice.

"Wow! A fine young man. You know what I'd do? I'd turn him back to the mob. I have a nephew involved in small time dealing, people are going crazy without their dope. There has been an increase in fights, crime and traffic accidents. Something has to be done, at the end of the day the police will only hold the drugs for a while and then sell them more expensively. Not everyone is right like your boy."

Don Julian and Patricio were stunned, they said nothing for the next few hours of the boat ride. When they got off at the port Don Julian's friend said a friendly goodbye and before leaving handed them a small piece of paper.

"That is the number of someone who would be very interested in this shipment. If they know anything they suggest you get in touch, the mafia is rewarding very well whoever returns their merchandise to them."

The old man left after winking at them.

"Bucare a cab to go to the police Don Julian."

"Don't do it Patricio, we won't go to the police."

"But Don Julian, have you gone mad?"

"Don't be disrespectful boy, you heard that man, he is a veteran of the police, he knows very well how it all works. The police will take the drug shipment from us and won't even thank us, later that shipment will be back on the streets, at a price where not everyone will be able to buy it. The city is in chaos as well as the island, they need their drugs and we need our coffee. I will ask the mafia to give us back the coffee shipment in exchange for their drug shipment, it's a fair deal. If you don't like it you can leave."

Patricio never returned to Isla Blanca and Don Julian returned within days with three boatloads of the best coffee in the world. Tranquility returned to the island, all its people needed was a warm cup of coffee.


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I believe that many would have done what Don Julian did, sometimes you don't know which mafia is the most dangerous and unjust, the legal or the illegal one.

 5 months ago  

Well said!✅

Don Julián took a risk and it turned out well. Thanks for visiting and commenting. Greetings

From coffee to chaos on La Isla Blanca! Who would've thought a mix-up between coffee and contraband could brew such a storm?

Patricio and Don Julian, the unlikely heroes of caffeine crisis management, faced a dilemma more intense than a double espresso. In the end, it's a reminder that sometimes, all you need to restore peace is a good old cup of coffee, not a white powder mix-up. Here's to hoping their next shipment is less 'stimulating'!

Nice take!

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Don Julián had to make a difficult decision, glad it turned out well. Thanks for visiting and commenting. Greetings

 5 months ago  


Thanks for the support. It is always a pleasure to participate. A big hug

 5 months ago  

That was a positive ending to a dire situation.
Lovely read, and for the entire time, I was imagining myself on that beautiful island:)))
Come Over For A Chat-17.jpg

A beautiful island and it was the best decision that Don Julián could have made. Thanks for visiting and commenting. Greetings