
I was thinking more like Scary Mary with a mouse. Gonna play with the food for a couple chapters. Who knows maybe you will give em food poisoning and save mankind..?


Why aren't you in your truck hauling much needed essentials to mothers and their children. You could be delivering the new Pfizer vaccine to 5 to 11 year olds..

Home Run here Mikey..!

I could run non stop. Med.Supplies are Exempt from HOS (hours of aervice) and Fuck that house arrest ankle monitor Us criminal truckers have to answers to called an ELD (electronic logging device)

Think of all the stimulus free money I could make. Just like the hospitals I could pop pills and run for days.

But one slight problem. I am a pure blood. I will die a pure blood. So probably not gonna be aloud into the Vax Mandated North Korea like communist globalist country called "Noooooh Yowk"
