A weekend full of happy emotions and tasty coffee.

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee2 months ago (edited)

Last weekendwas quite a busy one. Among all the parenting tasks we had to prepare the celebration of our daugter’s first birthday, which led to inability to spend some time in hive and leave a line around my coffee experience.

But all the efforts were worhty, because the kids were all happy and enjoyed the party. And when the kids are having fun, their parents will most probably have fun too!

But let’s go back to the last saturday morning… These weeks I don’t have any weird branded coffee, like The Naughty Dog, around. Rather than I purchased 1 kg of coffee beans from our local Dabov specialty coffee roastery. The coffee came with a present, for making a bigger purchase - 200g of Guatemala Bio beans.

Regular visitors to my blog will know that these brown label chocolate coffees are not my passion, but this coffee served really well our guests, that most usually enjoy more classical and Italian blends. Multi chocolate and pine honey just isn’t my thing…

Let’s see what was in my cup now…

Dabov dirsn’t have a huge variety of anaerobic fermented coffees, but this Costa Rica is on the meny fir quite some time now. I have had it a couple of times in the past, but it is more than half a year away already. I felt it was time to try it again. Don’t you think that Orange, Cinnamon and Chocolate sounds better? If only the Chocolate was replaced by Hazelnut liqueur! 😁

I and my wife strongly prefer this coffee on espresso. Thic chocolate vibe really goes better on this preparation method. But… when I bought this anaerobic coffee for the last time, the grinder was not dealing with it that well. Even if I went all the way to the finest possible setting, the coffee seemed a bit too course for my espresso machine. I noticed that all the fermented coffees need finer grinding than the ordinary processed coffee.

I used a little trick here. The outer burr of the grinder actually serves as an additional tool for grind size setting. I went just one step finer, which gets the two burrs closer, resulting in finer ground coffee. After some tests, I achieved the perfect extraction profile.

When I brewed this coffee ot was coming out just too quickly. This resulted in thinner body and less sweetness. Now my cup has this balance between fermentation sourness and sweet and round finish.

I like this anaerobically fermented from Costa Rica a lot and I remembered why I liket it so much before too. The sour and sweet citrus fruit vibes, combined with connamon spiciness is just killing it. A very extraordinary and tasty coffee!

And because our party was set for Sunday noon, we decided to visit our favorite coffee shop in the Saturday afternoon. We were lucky because it turned out that it was the birthday of the owner - Misho. He seemed very happy to see us. When choosing what to drink, he took out a box of beans from under the cashdesk and told me “You are really lucky today… Look what I got!”

Do you remember the Mame roastery? It is a Swiss family business run by a Japanese woman and a Swiss man. They have a big set of various barista trophies and medals. I tasted a coffee from them, which tasted like a fine peach ice tea, which was amazing. So fresh and so flavorful… And I was happy to see this box of beans again. Of course, fhe coffee is different. The previous ine was roasted for filter, and this one is for Espresso. I cannot remember the origin ot the other coffee, but this ine comes from Ethiopia.

I have to aay that when opening the box, there was nothing like this dovone peach aroma from the last time, but it was still looking quite delicious. The aromas coming from the box were also quite fruitful and complex.

Misho was extremely happy to stve me a coffee cup out of this roastery. Tombe honest… the coffee was really fine, but nothing special. I still remember the taste of peaches in the Mame filter coffee. As for this one… I really don’t think that I will remember the exact vibe of the coffee in a month or two. Anyway… It was a good way to celebrate the birthday of Misho.

Tasting different coffees every time is the reason I find this world of specialty coffee so magical and mysterious. Every coffee has its character, its soul and I am quite impatient to see what else will I taste in the following weeks and months. Having another coffee lover around, who brings different coffees from all around the world, is another bonus for me.

Wish you a happy week! Stay positive and enjoy your cup of coffee!


How do the family run the business together when both husband and wife come from different places in this world. Well love is involved

They live in Switzerland now, where is their business. 😉

 2 months ago  

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It must have really been a great time enjoying the coffee

The time is always great when there is coffee around!