Enjoying a cup of espresso, while remembering where the beginning was.

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee3 years ago (edited)

The beginning of my passion about specialty coffee. This beginning I am remembering today, while I enjoy a nice espresso shot of Colombia Finca La Maria.


And my journey in the world of specialty coffee began about 5 years ago just before one of my journeys to the beautiful country of Japan. When I was in Bulgaria, before departing to Japan, I saw a TV show, where a Bulgarian chef was a guest. And he showed how he prepares his coffee. He used a pretty strange device and some specialty coffee. She device he was using was a Hario Siphon. Well, I have already decided, when I saw this TV show. The first thing, entering Japan, was to buy one of these.


Also, I had bought some specialty coffee, not completely aware how this one was special, but the Dabov specialty coffee sounded fancy. I have heard, that Japan imports most of the worldwide special coffee, but I wanted to have some coffee, before I find some in Japan too. At least some that was going to be worthy.

I must admit, that the taste of this coffee was completely different. Different from the coffees that I was used to drinking. There was something fruity and special in this Dabov coffee.


During my stay in Japan, I was continuously trying to find a nice coffee shop and I’m pretty sure, that I found the right one. It was called Kaldi. And the coffees, although not very expensive, seemed to be different and promising. There were coffees from Africa, Latin America and Asia.


The prices were starting at about 400-500 yen(200g) for discounted coffees, which actually is pretty cheap. There were of course coffees at around 1000-1200 yen, but still this is the price that I am now paying fir Dabov specialty coffees. And the Kaldi coffees were special and tasty. All of them. And I felt pretty happy that I found tasty coffee. At least one that is a lot more enjoyable than the coffees that I had consumed before that.


A friend of mine in Japan was sometimes bringing me some coffees from a cousin of her. And yes, I was pretty sure that Japan was importing a lot of specialty coffees, as it was stated in a statistic.

This is the coffee from the cousin of my friend

Well, this is the beginning... of my coffee passion. And 5 years later it’s still going on. There was one challenge, though, when I had ρ bring this special Siphon coffee brewer back to Bulgaria. Luckily, I managed to fit it in the carry on baggage on the airplane and it was delivered back home, safe!

Now I am rarely brewing coffee on it, because it takes some time, but on the weekends I sometimes find time to enjoy a cup of siphon coffee. I’ll try to share in a post, sooner than later, my way of preparing coffee in the Hario Siphon.

See you soon and have a nice weekend!


You've got awesome tools! do you own a cafe or is it just a personal hobby?

Just a personal hobby! A coffee lover 😁

That's awesome!

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 3 years ago  

Hello @mdosev

Thanks again for stopping by!