Peach comes in different form in these coffees’ flavors. This was an amazing experience!

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee10 months ago (edited)

Summer is fading away… we are already approaching autumn and this means that we won’t see such high temperatures like in July and August. On the other hand, this also means that hot coffees, either filter or espresso would be generally more appreciated and and more welcome throughout the whole day.

Today we have… peaches! PEACHES? But aren’t we in a coffee and tea community? Yes, of course, but peaches’ flavor is expected to be dominant in both the coffees of today’s post.

I bought the first one from Mr. Dabov. A competition coffee, from Indonesia which took 10th place in the Cup of Excellence competition in 2022. Lately I like experiencing diffetent competition coffees, because the fact they were awarded by an international makes them a bit more extraordinary. Of course, they come at a price, but once a month I tend to buy such a coffee.

This Indonesian gem promises dark chocolate, peach and orange flavors. Only a little bit more time and I will find out if they are easily noticeable, or they will be covered between the other beautiful coffee notes.

I have to choose a brew method now… my wife is on a morning yoga practice, so this means I will enjoy the coffee on my own now. Two cup filter doesn’t sound good, so let’s just pick the aeropress!

The industrial-look grinder does his job perfectly and I am already moments away from enjoying the freshly ground and freshly brewed coffee. I still can’t believe how handy and how much quality this grinder offers at its price about $50. Definitely one of the best investments about coffee in my life!

Time for action!

2 minutes are needed for my coffee to be ready. Today I picked a very special cup to pour my coffee in. I remember this cup from the days I was still dating my wife and this was the cup I was using when I went to visit her at her rental appartment.

She brought it from Japan and hell! I love the raw and rustic looks of this cup. Back in these days it was my favorite one and it continues to be on the top of the coffee cup list.

Now about the coffee… it is very pleasant. Up in front comes the dark chocolate flavor and then comes the fruity combo. The orange freshness blends quite well with the peach flavor, leaving a very fruity overal aftertaste. But although I like this coffee a lot, I liked the Brazilian winner coffee that I bought last month a lot more. And I liked the other coffee from today’s post a lot lot more!

Misho offered this coffee to us last time we visited the Specialty Place coffee shop. It was brought to him by some lady and he promised her to share this coffee with coffee lovers in our city.

The coffee was brought from Zürich from a very exquisite coffee roastery. It is owned by two barista champions - a lady with Japanese roots and a Swiss man. They both won various barista competitions and coffee was the thing that brought them together. Now they run one of the finest coffee places in the world.

If you want to learn more about them, just follow the link to their website:

I forgot to take a photo of this coffee box, but it looks this way:

I have never seen a coffee that is delivered in such cyllinder boxes. This looks awesome and well, they are very sturdy too, which adds a very premium overall touch to the product.

I remember the day Misho showed this coffee to us. I remember the aroma that filled the coffee shop when he put the lid off and passed the box towards my nose. I remember this peach aroma that gave me shivers. It was such an intense aroma and such a heavenly feel.

And a few days ago it was the day when Misho brewed a filter with these beans for us. The taste was really like no other coffee that I have tried before. I have never assumed that coffee can possess such an intensive fruit flavor, because after all all the coffee I drink has a bit of the original coffee flavor. This one was only fruits.

The closest taste that I could think of was the Nestea with peach flavor. But coffee was better! Light in the body, but intense in the flavor and aroma. Definitely the beat coffee I have tried in my life so far.

Misho proposed that we may split a box of other Mame coffee beans, which sounds perfect, considering its higher price, because $30-$40 for their cheapest coffee varieties is just too high for our standarts. Dividing it by four definitely feels more reasonable.

Somwhat donyou think? Would you pay $10 for 50 grams of the world’s finest coffee beans? Once per month, or maybe once in two months? This coffee may not be the everyday coffee, but the experience it brings is out of the world.

See you soon and have a beautiful weekend!


Hey this grinder looks very interesting and above all practical, you can't find coffee beans around here, but that would be amazing to experience it.

The combination of flavors must be exquisite
Regards @mdosev

Hands down one of the best manual grinders and the Swiss coffee was above any expectations!

You've described this coffee so eloquently that I think they should give you a referral code that offers you a discount when people buy their coffee- I would order some right now if I could! I've never experienced a fruity coffee the way you described, it is now on my growing coffee community inspired to-do list! Thanks for the fun read 😁

I’m always open for referral codes. But they are still missing… 😁

This coffee is out of this world! Really!

Loved your detailed description of the coffee, it's taste, and your impressions. I've always preferred fruity coffee; it'd be nice that you could try some of my favorite coffee beans and tell me how you like them. Perhaps the guys at the farm can send some beans to Mrs. Misho's shop 😌

Would I pay $10 for 50 gr of specialty coffee? It means 5 cups of delicious coffee, according to my standards for a single cup of coffee, which would be 10 gr of coffee beans plus 150-200 of filtered water depending on how I woke up that day: princess or ogress, hahaha.

Well, I've never paid more than $10 for less than 250 gr., but I could pay $10-30 a month for specialty coffee I really love, or just to have the pleasure of trying different kinds.

I could stop buying food for us at home or feeding my cats if the coffee is good 😂

BTW, I can see you have my beautiful cup there.

Mr Misho is always open or coffee tasting samples! And I am too! And yes, fruitful coffees are my favorite ones too.

Yes, 50 grams of coffee means about 5 cups of filter coffee, so this means it will be about $2 per cup. I think if coffee is that awesome it is definitely worth it! I usually spend about $50-$60 for coffee at home and this is only specialty coffee. We usually consume about 1 kg of beans per month.

And well, if you continue to be so persuasive about the cup I have to consider sending this to you… 🤷🏻‍♂️😁

1 kilo of coffee beans lasts 3-4 weeks in my house; we're only two here, my husband and I, but we had 3-4 cups a day and often have guests, too. I pay $10-15 a month for 1 kilo of good coffee beans, not specialty coffee but really good. Add another $40-50 I spend in specialty coffee every other month, but not all the year round. I don't think I spend more than $30 a month.

I'm sending you pictures of my cat-themed mug when I finally buy it at the shop so you don't feel sad for me, ha ha ha ha. I've been meaning to buy one; I guess I've been a little stingy. Hopefully, they have one as nice as yours.

 10 months ago  

Thank you for stopping by. See you again soon:)

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