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RE: My stimulant in the sweet wait ☕

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee2 months ago

About the sugar… a friend of mine went to a specialty coffee place in Italy and when a customer asked for sugar, they peacefully told him that the sugar cannot be part of a good coffee 🤷🏻😂😂

It is pity that your coffee was brewed in advance… this means a lot of oxidation occurs and even if the coffee was initially good, it was soiled after a generous amount of time…

Luckily, this was coffee and after all coffee always makes us happy.

Best wishes!


This is how coffee shops should be, not having sugar, and they should give that same answer 🤭, here consumers have already gotten used to drinking coffee with sugar, they don't know that they are ruining it with that.
It's a shame that they prepared it in advance, it's the most likely thing that was ruined, but I still needed it 😅, to calm my sleep and not snore, I would have been sad, if I did it 🤣🤣