Tasting a Low-caf coffee (What?)! Let’s see that interesting coffee from The Barn roasters.

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee8 months ago (edited)

It is already December and this is maybe my the first year without an advent calendar. I decided not to buy one because the one from Dabov was way too expensive and I have tried all the potential coffees inside. I prefer to buy different roasters and dofferent coffees which I have chosen myself. The options of buying a coffee from a different european roasters were even more expensive and 24 samples of 50 grams would probably cost me at least $150!

So let’s see the coffee for this week.

The coffee I will enjoy is again from the Germany roastery The Barn, which is maybe the mosy famous Specialty Coffee brand in the country. And yeah, the coffee is Low-caf, which is a bit unusual for me, right?

Decaf coffee can have some strange flavors, which comes out of the proceess of decaffeination, but this one is different. It didn’t indergo such a process. It is just the variety of the beans which has pretty low caffeine levels.

Now let’s see whats inside the bag.

I have to say these are the smallest beans i have ever seen in my life, which makes this coffee even more weird combined with the initial expectations for a Low-caf coffee!

And if the photo doesnt show how little these beans are, see them compared to some regular sized beans from Honduras, delivered by Dabov…

The roast is… I would say Medium roast, although The Barn are famous with a little bit lighter roast levels on their beans. They just cannot beat mr. Dabov’s ligtness!

This coffee has a slightly tougher flow on the V60 just like the previous week’s one so I will again prefer the AeroPress for preparation. This way the flow doesn’t matter, because it is pushed out by force. And well, I will use a slightly cooler water to eliminate harsh flavor extraction. I want a pure Cherry Jam flavor in my cup! Let’s find out if I’m gonna achieve that.

Coffee is already in the AeroPress and while I wait for water to cool down a bit, to around 88 degrees centigrade I can enjoy the aroma coming out of the ground beans. It is definitely quite fruitful aroma, so I cannot wait!

While I am spending time waiting for water to cool down, I think about buying a better hot water kettle, which would have a tempetatute setting. They are a lot more expensive, but definitely would come in handy for brewing the perfect cup of coffee!

Well the water is already up to preference, so time to pour it over the beans. The achristmas decorations make the perfect setting for coffee photos!

Time for coffee! Let’s transfer the tasty liquid into the Community’s favourite coffee mug! Cats and Cristmas lights everywhere!

The coffee is wuite flavorful and it is far from the Decaffeinated coffee taste. If noone told you that this is a Low-caf coffee, upu would never guess! This makes the coffee a perfect fellow for pregnant and breastfeeding women. The body is thick with quite a sweet taste. There is definitely a Fruit Jam vibe in the cup, but I am not sure if it is a cherry one, or other fruit. Definitely a very tasty and joy bearing coffee.

That’s for today! Wish you a pleasant weekend and see you soon!

 8 months ago  

Low caffeine coffee as a dad?! A brave move haha

The coffee looks amazing like always... I'm often stunned by how techinically you approach coffee brewing, makes me feel like a real coffee neophyte lol

Did you ever take a class to learn such things, or have you just collected it from cool friends and passion for the beverage?

Thanks for sharing and happy weekend to you!

The Low-car coffee was chosen because it was something new to me and the coffee shop owner, who is a friend of mine suggested that I have to try this. It was definitely something different.

And for the coffee knowledge… I have a great teacher whose name is Mr. You Tube 😁 I think that if you find a trusted channel you can learn a lot of things out there.

 8 months ago  

It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

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All images belong to millycf1976

I want to try it 😁😁😁