The interesting story around this coffee. It’s another anaerobic masterpiece!

in Cinnamon Cup Coffeelast year (edited)

Saturday morning… I’m sitting on the kitchen table and thinking about life and changes. There’s quite a lot happening to me at the moment, and not only we are expecting our third baby in a matter of week or so, but I’m also getting a new job. I have a couple of tasks to deal with before I leave my old job and then a while new journey begins.

There are multiple reasons for this decision and the financial part is maybe the main one. I’ve been offered about twice as much and three kids will definitely require some good finances. But, hopefully one day they will grow up and become some famous HIVErs and I will have nothing to worry about. 😁

But that’s really not the main topic of today’s post. About two weeks ago, on the 12 February, I and my wife set up a meeting with my friend, who turned out to be my Specialty Coffee friend too. We love exclusive coffee and we make our Dabov coffee orders together. So… the meeting itself was in the Specialty Coffee place, of course. We haven’t seen each other in a while and we had a lot to chat about.

Immediately after I entered the place, I saw a very interesting bag of coffee. It had some vivid purple colors on it and stood out among the other coffee varieties.

It was anaerobic processed coffee, so because of its funkiness they decided to choose some wild colors too. The owner said that this was the only bag of this variety that he delivered, because of its wildness and weird flavor profile. I wanted to try it, but I didn’t want to pay $20 for this. It wasn’t much thinking required and eventually in the evening I ended up with proposition for my friend to buy and share this coffee. Of course he immediately agreed on that.

The next day (13th February) I went to the Specialty Place 23 to buy it, but… it’s place was taken by another bag of coffee. I asked where did it go and the owner’s girlfriend explained that “a client bought it earlier”. Of course I was sad and my friend also became, when I told him what had happened. But… we had to accept the current situation.

14th February. I have a message from my friend “Guess what came in my home!”. Then a photo of this bag of coffee arrives. It turned out that it was his girlfriend that bought this coffee for him. And that’s how I had the opportunity to taste this coffee at my friends’ house.

He has this cool manual grinder and this cool coffee scale with a timer. I want one of these for quite some time already but nobody wants to gift me with one yet.

My friend decided to brew filter coffee with these beans, of course! By the way they come from Sidama district of Ethiopia, so this is the first anaerobic coffee that comes from this country. That’s cool! We can expect some mango and strawberry flavors, which is quite typical for anaerobic fermentation beans.

And look at the cups that my friend has! They are from Japan and look beautifully delicate and interesting. Coffee seems to shine when poured in them!

And what about the taste? I expected something wilder than that, with heavy fermentation and liqueur nuances, but it was quite balanced and normally fruitful. It definitely was different from the other more traditionally processed coffees, but had the additional layer of fruitiness. I liked it and I’m happy that I had the chance to taste this little gem.

That’s for today. I have a lot of tasks to deal with and it’s time to move. Bye and have a nice weekend. See you soon!

 last year  

Hey! Your post is refreshing. I surely like those blue cups with he white insides.
Congrats on your new job, it makes total sense and is timely as you'll welcome a little one very soon.

with heavy fermentation and liqueur nuances

That sounds a bit much, but at least the fruity taste, which is your thing, compensated for it nicely:)
Instant Coffee!!-16.jpg

Yeah, I’m pretty excited about the job, I feel like I have a lot more things to learn and skills to acquire in various fields of my specialty.

The coffee was really good, although I’m not sure if I won’t give that much money for a whole bag of beans. The splitting with a friend would work just right for me, but the actual outcome of the situation was like the best option! 😆

 last year  

The splitting with a friend

Great thinking 👍

By the way, there is new variety of JBM coffee available at Dabov coffee shop!

Might grab one with my next order… 🤩

 last year (edited) 

Does baron mean mountain in your language?

That's interesting.
I noticed that Nespresso flavours do not have coffee from Jamaica.

PS. I only just arrive in Dahab... it was an interesting drive from the airport. Like no where I have been before :)

I think Blue Baron is a variety of Blue Mountain coffee and it has nothing to do with mountain in Bulgarian language! 😁

I read some facts about it and it should be really the pinnacle of Jamaica’s coffee!