Today we enjoy the taste of Jamaica. Let’s leap to the lands of Blue Baron Estate!

in Cinnamon Cup Coffeelast year (edited)

A quick note before I start today’s post. We are already a family of 5! A princess baby was born last sunday! She is so little and cute…

I’ve been so busy lately… But I will surely find a little bit of time and continue to post here in the warmest HIVE community!

So, today we finally have the chance to enjoy some of the finest coffee beans - some from Blue Mountain area, exclussively grown in the warm Jamaica. I had the chance to try some beans from there a couple of times in my life. I remember the first time was in Japan, about 5-6 years ago and the second one was like 2-3 years ago, when I bought 40 grams from Dabov Specialty Coffee shop. And both the times this coffee variety was greatly appreciated by myself.

Some people would say that finding an authentic Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee is very difficult and there are a lot of examples of fake beans. I know this is a real case, but I had the chance to share a word with the barista who owns out local Specialty Coffee place in town and he thinks that Mr Dabov delivers a real BM beans. Mr Dabov is a man, who runs his coffee business for about 12-13 years already and he doesn’t work with intermediaries. He travels the coffee producing countries about 200 days throughout the year and works directly with the farmers. He also organizes the transport and import process, after which he roasts the coffee himself and delivers the final product to the coffee lovers.

An interesting fact is that this coffee is grown at about 600-900 meters above the sea level, which is a bit unusual. The typical growing altitude for Arabica beans is 1200-1500 meters and above. But as we see this is not a problem and the Jamaica BM coffee beans are among the finest.

I searched some information about this Blue Baron estate. It’s a property that encompasses morw thqn 130 acres of prime Jamaican land in the Blue Mountain area. Most of the area is covered with forest trees and artificial shades that help with controlling the twmperatue and slow development of the coffee cherry. This will later result in the tastier and fruitful proffile of the coffee.

These beans are impressively light roasted and look excellent. Im always impressed how lightly roasted Mr Dabov keeps his coffee beans, and I am a huge fan of that. These beans were brilliant in their aroma right after opening the bag. There are supposed to smell and taste like white peach, honey and white grape. I can’t identify exactly the notes, but the coffee is surely very fruitful and complex.

Time for a V60 coffee. I don’t think of brewing these beans differently, but i could some day try it on the espresso machine. The sad part is that i will need at least 3-4 shots to make the perfect grind setting, and i will waste about 50 grams of coffee. Given the fact that i only have 100 grams of it (80 after today’s brewing) I will probably not experiment with espresso. Maybe when there are less than 15-20 grams remaining I can give it a try with a quick espresso shot.

I have lately mastered the brewing filter coffee with the slower filters, so the result is constantly good and joyful. I manage to pull my extraction in about 2:45-3:00 minutes which is more than perfect. I don’t have bitter aftertaste and harsh feeling anymore.

And now… it’s time to enjoy this Jamaican gem. And I mean… this coffee is a real gem and if you have the chance to taste some BM beans, and you trust the merchant, you will definitely want to try at least a cup of this. Although the taste profile would depend on the scheme and degree of roasting, I bet that this coffee would always be complex, fruitful and tasty! At least if you don’t roast it too much… It would be a crime if this coffee is roasted darker than Medium. Even medium feels like too much for me. 😁

See you soon and have a brew-tiful weekend!

 last year  

First of all, congratulations on your baby girl. I'm pleased to hear the news.

Secondly, I'm stealing that 👇

have a brew-tiful weekend!

I'm not surprised that you first sampled the JBM coffee in Japan because Japan is the biggest importer of "our" coffee. It's amazing the pride and dedication that Mr Dabov has in sourcing the coffee he invests in by going to the places.
I think you make a perfect ambassador for coffee, particularly this Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee.
Your post has added light to my grey morning :)))


We all can add a bit of brightfullness even in our most gloom and cloudy days! I’m very happy that Mr Dabov managed to work out and find a way to deliver the best coffee beans from every country that produces excellent products and Jamaica with its BM coffee is one of the hardest to get. His dedication is remarkable.

Thank you for the congratulations on the baby. It’s gonna be a hard task for us to manage our time, but it will be a pleasure and happiness to raise our three kids.

Be free to use the “brew-tiful” word as often as you like! 😁