The Coffee Shop Blog 14 “ Romeo Oh Romeo”

What is on the menu today
coffee tasting
milkshake tasting


Coffee tasting


So yesterday Morning I had thought I would take the time out to breakdown my espresso shot from the dosage to the grind size to the espresso shot I poured . I am always learning and trying to perfect the simple cappuccino to get its best flavor from the bean. This time though I used the taste wheel and started experimenting with the grind setting to see what flavors I get out of them . The first cup tasting really harsh and really over extracted as I set my extraction time around 20-25 seconds . Make a horrible cup of coffee and you will learn how not to make coffee .


I was pulling a shot to quick , the time was around 10 seconds and it was a full cup . So I went back to the book and to my grinder and adjusted it way finer and I feel I might have gone a bit too fine as the extraction was coming out slowly . So I adjusted it to 6.7 on my Mazzer grinder and let the magic happened I pulled my espresso for about 20.89 seconds . And what I got was a sweet , fruity cup . Not so strong but mild on the pallet, I am still going to work and mess around with the grinder and the beans just to see what I get .

With this espresso shot I made a cappuccino and the first sip was so delightful. For each bag of coffee I now buy I am now going to go through this process in order to get the best version . I did not use much coffee though as I New where I was in the progression rate of getting the coffee shot . I will say I used about 250 grams including purging the coffee from when I changed the grind settings . One thing I want to learn more about is flow , the flow of water and pressure that comes from the head . I have been watching videos of how they breakdown a coffee machines flow time . And I fortunately I am not sure how to change my flow on this machine . Though with my other machine I am sure I am able to get to that part .

Milk Shake Tasting


Now not only does our coffee go through a tasting process , but also our milkshakes . We have been on a bit of a mission finding a good reliable ice cream for our milkshakes . And we have found one but now they offer three versions of their ice cream which is good and nice to eat by them selves but having it in a milkshake is another story. What we look for in the tasting of our milkshakes is the creamy smoothness , the amount that is used and as well the texture and consistency.

Cheaper the ice cream the more watered down it will taste. We strive for that creamy smooth and thick texture in your mouth . So we tried three different ice creams two of the are the same and the one is just to watery and bland . The flavors I tried them with is Blue berry , Caramel and Chocolate. Blue berry I used the cheap ice cream , for the caramel I used the semi cheap one and the chocolate I used the expensive one . Which was more creamier and gave more texture.


Finally my Frappogatto


After some times saucing out I’ve finally released my own coffee recipe, a Frappogatto . If you know you coffees I’m sure you know what the base ingredients of it is . I have been holding it back for some time and trying to perfect it. It is like a frapp but much better and smother . I have placed it on my menu and people sure do love it . The name gives a bit of a confusion but that is like how everything starts . I want to try push it hard and make it a name that the locals know , and let it be know through word of mouth . It when through some trails which I have blogged about last year. Getting the ingredients right and making it stand out and finally I have managed to get it all right . For me to hold it back is like me not moving forward . So I have decided to just release it this year .

Valentine’s Day Special


Valentine’s days was super amazing , especially the Sunday . Most people where at work on Monday so they celebrated it on Sunday , including myself after work . We had got a lot of pre orders for the chocolate bombs . That was just s one time thing as for me to go deeper in to that would take a lot of time . The chocolate bombs are amazing but it is really not much my passion to get in to. Though the strawberry and chocolate milkshake was something new to everyone ears and taste buds . I had written it on a chalk board and advertised it with out any posters . The moment I told people about it , they automatically changed their order to the milkshake , and they never regretted it . I did warn them that it will only be available for this month before it will be the end of it so they might as well drink the best of it . Besides that my menu is a bit to big and I had released other new drinks for the year so I was not planning on putting that on still. Though I don’t mind if a few regulars do ask me for it . I will make it . But it is just a Valentine’s Day season drink . Who knows maybe next year i will come out with a much more crazy drink like a rose milkshake that tastes and smells like roses . Be sure Write in the comments for any next year Valentine’s Day drinks you think I could put in the menu , that will make people’s tastes go wild . I would love to try your suggestions .

Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog be sure to have a great day ahead! feel free to us the comments if you have any inputs ! ill be sure to reply ! Stay safe

The camera i use is an iphone 6 camera and i edit my picture on light room.

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 2 years ago  

Hello @meilo1995,
Seems you had nice offerings for those celebrating Valentine's Day!
I like that you mix your ingredients up; I guess you can't buy all expensive products, so you just have to mix the cheap with the average and so on. Otherwise, you probably would not make much profit, or your products would lack quality, and customers.
Thankks for stopping by:)

Hey @millycf1976 thank you for popping in !!!
Yes we had a lovely Valentines day, and yes sometimes cost price of making items do count. but if it is to high you have to find alternatives that still make your product taste good.

Hey, that was very different from what was in my country, here in Venezuela they had raised prices by 20% for Valentine's Day, hahaha what a difference.

By the way the purple milkshake looks extremely irresistible 😃.

Valentines day is another big money making day. I know even the price of flowers sky rockets!!!

haha thank you that is a blueberry milkshake !!!
thank you for the comment and stopping by!!