The coffee shop blog 17 " The Alchemist "


What is On The Menu Today
Going Eco-Friendly
How Do you Taste your coffee
Coffee of the day


Going Eco-Friendly

Here is a big question i would like to know.
Why is going eco friendly/ Going Green so expensive. In the coffee industry i do understand that paper cups are creating a bit of a messy hazard for the environment, and that is why i use biodegradable cups and straws. But why do they have to be so expensive . I notice that with my plastic cups and paper cups. Shouldn't we encourage more biodegradable items and make them more cheaper for us to buy as store owners.
If we focused more of our energy in producing and manufacturing eco friendly products i am sure that could help with the price. Even going organic is more expensive. Should we not be more organic for a healthier lifestyle . Have organic products . Why the expensiveness though. I look to go all organic with my packaging and cups as i do not want to contribute to the waist. It just bugs me out that they are at a bit of a premium price.


I have been looking at other alternatives as well. Like reusable cups that people can buy and get a discount if they bring it back if they want to buy another coffee the next day or in the future. For the frappogattos and milk shakes i was also looking at using metal straws. I do not want to use cardboard straws, they ae horrible and absolutely nasty as they go soggy. Currently i have straws that are made from plants. They are firm and do not go soggy but people tend to bite the straws as they are abit brittle . You are unable to bend them or squash them but they are eco friendly and do the job right.

With the metal straws i do want to look at having them for sale and if you want to return them you can get a deposit back, i am not sure but its just an idea.

For the cups i kind of want to have a section where i have reusable branded cups that people can buy with my logo on and different patterns. Sort of like what Costa and Starbucks do. Ceramic take away cups and reusable cheap heat resistance plastic cup which will be cheap and affordable. These are just ideas i have to which i want to implement in the future and work towards. Right now i can start with the ceramic cups as i do have a supplier which can sell me a bulk load at a good price, its just the printing and getting a few designs.

How do you taste coffee ?


A quick guide on tasting coffee when trying out a coffee bean . I know a lot of people that drink and taste with their throats . I do not know how they do that or why they do that . But when sipping coffee to taste the coffee bean . Try slurping it, yes you know that slurp noise , that horrible noise that people hate . That is the best way , slurp it on your tongue with abit of air . You will get the full exposure and body of the coffee bean your tasting . Sipping it with some oxygen is the best way . Try it out , first take a sip of coffee with out slurping it and see what you taste on your tongue , then slurp it with some oxygen intake and see the difference. I always wondered why tasters always did that horrible slurp each time they sipped on a drink or coffee . I though they just had some horrible manners . But it turns out it is just a technique. Give it a try and be sure to tell me in the comments what you taste and what beans or coffee your using .

Coffee off the day

The coffee of the day is my own blend . I was experimenting this morning with coming up with a blend and getting some knowledge on how specific blends work and what flavor I could get out . The way I did this blend is now total different to how you supposedly have to do blends . This was just for my own satisfaction and own taste buds just note that , something fun for me to day and try. I popped in my regular coffee bean which is a medium roast in to the grinder , then I ground it espresso grind . Then I popped on a dark roast and ground it so it on the top of the medium roast in the portafilter . The mixture I used was 60 percent of medium roast and 40 percent dark roast with a total weight of 21 grams of coffee for my 350 ml cup. After that I tampered it and popped in on the machine .. and let the extraction happen..

I made a cappuccino with the espresso shot and I was prepared and excited to see what I got from it.

The flavors I got from the cappuccino:
i slurpped my first sip to get the distinctive flavors and what i got was a dark chocolate taste, with a bit of a fruity note to it, it was beautifully balanced in the cappuccino


For a first time blending two different coffees together i Am really satisfied with what i got. I will be sure to be doing some more research on coffee blends as it has now peaked my interest


Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog be sure to have a great day ahead! feel free to us the comments if you have any inputs ! ill be sure to reply ! Stay safe

The camera i use is an iphone 6 camera and i edit my picture on light room.

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 2 years ago  

Hello @meilo1995, you've asked an important question. I guess it's the same way that it's so cheap to eat junk food compared to eating healthy meals; going green should not be more expensive at all!

Thanks for the comment @millycf1976 !! Going healthier is more of a luxury now a days.

I wonder too why organic materials are costly, but probably because not many produce them? It will be very helpful indeed to go green.

And the slurping was taught to me by my Chinese friends. I usually hate the sound but I must admit, the taste really comes out when we do it with the sound. It is also recommended on hot soups :)

I know business want to get the cheapest products for their products to make a good profit that I understand. But there comes a point where we should push standards of how we take care of the environment high and not take short cuts and every action has a reaction.

I slurp everything now to see the tastes .. but I don’t do it continuously hahaha cause I know it is annoying !!

We do need to up the standards when it comes to our environment, we only have one earth and every care it gets counts.

It is indeed annoying when someone slurp, it is painful to the ears and takes away the appetite😂