The Coffee Shop Blog 21 "African Coffee Beans"

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee2 years ago (edited)

What is on the menu today

the coffee of the day
the weekend
natures remedy

The Coffee Of The Day


The coffee of the day is an Uganda Drugar Medium Roast. I used an 18gram dosage for the espresso and I was pouring singles in each 200ml cup . This was for a taste test to try out . This coffee has a Spicy note to it . The first sip was questionable and I was trying to see what it had to offer . There was a bit of a salty tone as well. The spicy not did come of strong and as it swirled in my mouth there was as well a bit of a bitter note . This is my first experience with the Uganda . The taste was out of ordinary for me and to spiced up for me to enjoy it for my liking .

I do have an employee reasons for the extra cups . We go through and make a couple of espresso of the Uganda coffee seeing the different notes we can experience . I do change the grind setting for each espresso to see the taste differences as well. As each bean can sometimes have a different taste to each grind size .


Would I have this coffee , not really . I would not say it a coffee I would choose . As again I do not like wild flavors in my coffee . I like bold strong , smooth chocolaty or fruity flavors in my coffee . Do not get me wrong I will carry on with the bag and adjust the setting to see if I can get it to it’s best but I just would not serve it or suggest customers to try it out till I am certified.

What kind of note do you like in you coffee ? Be sure to tell me in the comments !

The Weekend

This week we had a bit of a busy week the sun was out and shining and people where walking in and out of the nursery and ordering drinks . Which got me thinking about other coffee shops and their coffee sales . For example the amount of coffees they need to sell for their rent and over heads . I understand and did the working out to own a single shop you will probably need to sell about 1389 coffee to cover the cost of rent and as well 2 employs that get an average barista salary here in South Africa . Divide that by 31 that is about 44 cups of coffee a day . That is why location and accessibility is very crucial when opening up a coffee shop. You need to push over 50 cups of coffee a day . I am not near that due to my location. On a busy day I can push about 40 cappuccinos , that is just coffee drinks excluding milkshakes and foods . Reason I cancel out Milkshake and foods is because I set a goal for myself to sell more coffee drinks . I do want to reach 500
cups a day which will be a bit crazy for my location but I do not doubt it.


But other than that I do want to start doing exclusive cups stuff that can last long and people will love . My own brand of cups people can buy , with different designs or cool accessories like book markers with coffee pictures on coffee flavor syrups and as well coffee making tools. That is for the retail side along with coffee beans , which I’m looking to grow . Branded cups are as well good for marketing as well , it will get the name out there more .


What ways do you market your business. I feel now a days markets is more easier an accusable due to online social media platforms. To have an article in a news paper can be expensive , yes it is effective but still expensive. Since i have opened up my coffee shop i have done a variety of marketing. With having functions, to giving out free samples and as well flyers. But one that is more effective for me is social media marketing running ads on facebook and instagram. From the price they offer which can vary on time of the year, but still affordable. You can grow a core base following and show off new products. Social media is a really good platform for businesses and i have had really good responses from there. I mostly put out weekly adds for the area so it pops up on peoples timelines and if your facebook account is linked to instagram once you boost an add on facebok it will also boost on instagram under the same boost, which is pretty awesome and effective. I do also hate the fact that newspapers may die down as most of our news is either online and their revenue comes from businesses paying for adds for a spot on the paper.

What is you advertising way and how do you guys promote your items !! and do you guys still read magazines and buy them? it would be interesting to know?

Natures Remedy

I think i am really great full where i work, as it is the most beautiful place ever and when my hand gets scrambled with ingredients or i can get any flavors right the nursery allows me to be calm and peace full to process everything. I walk around and empty my head and just observe the flowers and the nature around me. It really is a fix and helps me keep sane during times of pressure.


I would always suggest taking walks to de stress your self from situations. clearing your head and just being in that moment. For me i know when my head get so entangled and i just can not get a process right i end up getting frustrated. now this has happened on multiple occasions where i get frustrated and just take a walk and clear my mind, then stuff will just pop in to my head with out me over thinking it and pretty much majority of the time it is the solution .


But otherwise nature and me, are probably bestfriends cause of the amount of times i have spent. A couple of times nature has give me some ideas. like a rose milkshake we i have yet to try. In fact i am going to try it some time soon so be sure to watch out for it!!



Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog be sure to have a great day ahead! feel free to us the comments if you have any inputs ! ill be sure to reply ! Stay safe

The camera i use is an iphone 6 camera and i edit my picture on light room.

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What a calm relaxing environment to enjoy a hot cup of coffee !

Very attractive images it really shows how fabulous your coffees are :D

Thank you very much I’m really pleased !! And thank you for stopping by !!