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RE: Let’s end 2023 with some thoughts and recap for the year. As usual, in the company of some great coffee and warm family moments.

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee5 months ago

AeroPress first. This brewing method always gives a tasteful cup of coffee, preserving all the unique flavours in every coffee variety.

That sounds like a winner.

SOmehow, none of your photos is loading on my internet, but I bet your little girl is getting bigger, indeed!

Yeah, there were some good posts, heh-13.jpg


I don’t know the reason why my photos don’t show on your device/internet. It is not the first time… but, what can we possibly do? 🤷🏻

Yup, the little lady is growing quickly and soon she is going to celebrate her first birthday. The time flies by so fast…

Wish you all the best!