High tea at the Ritz Hotel, London

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee6 months ago (edited)

When a “royal” invitation is extended for high tea at the Ritz Hotel in Piccadilly, London - one does not feign or have second thoughts. The RSVP was immediately “I accept”. My second cousin is royalty in her own right and this very British tradition is celebrated by many on special occasions. Luckily, one no longer needs to be royalty, aristocracy or celebrity to enjoy high tea at the Ritz.

side view of the Ritz hotel

A high tea can be anywhere in the world but since it is quintessentially British - hopping on the plane to sip tea at the Ritz is possibly a one time experience that I wanted to be a part of. Opinions vary about the high tea experience at this luxury hotel; therefore I preferred to find out for myself.

reception area

Upon entering the hotel, one will take pause to enjoy the beautiful reception area. I love these unique cabbage flowers. I went closer.

The reservation was at the perfect time - 3:30 pm. I arrived at 3pm in order to have ample time to enjoy the hotel and make photos. The stylish Louis XIV decor was apparent. Many people stopped by this pretty stairwell to take photos.

The interior of the hotel is ostentatiously luxurious.

The long hallway beckoned me to keep walking.

High tea is served in the Palm Court.

The space is beautiful from every angle.

The interior has not changed from its original decor and splendour - since its opening in 1906. To maintain standards, there is a dress code: no jeans, sportswear, sneakers and men must wear a jacket. If you forget - one will be provided.

Needless to say, wandering around the hallways in this opulent, cream-coloured decor was very pleasant.

Even the entrance to the ladies room (powder room) is gorgeous.

Everywhere is classically and gracefully decorated. It was even more evident when seated for the high tea in the Palm Court.

The eye catching high covings with gilded trellis work were so impressive and complemented the ornate and shiny chandeliers. It was truly special to sit here.

A waiter confirmed our previously communicated preferences and asked for our wishes from a selection of 18 teas.

a portion of the menu

Each person received individual pots of tea. I had the Lapsang Souchong and then the Lemon Verbena. We toasted my cousin with a glass of champagne. The price was obscene but this was a wonderful celebration.

I requested gluten-free sandwiches (which are usually dubious) however they were tasty enough. The sandwiches were perfectly cut and beautifully presented.

my separated gluten-free servings

The other traditional selection of sandwiches looked equally tasty.

It was unanimous - the pastries were mouth watering.

The expected clotted cream and strawberry preserve, with freshly baked scones were also served.

On one half of the scone - I place the clotted cream first then the preserve above and vice versa 😀. This is an old discussion - both ways were equally as tasty.

The sandwiches and pastries were plentiful because when finished - the waiters immediately replenished the servings. It was impossible to finish them all. I waited for the last serving. This was a delectable slice of cake from the cake trolley. I chose the chocolate cake - it was worth the indulgence.

The ambience was lovely and we delighted in our tea sandwiches as we sipped on our favorite teas. The waiters were extremely attentive, pouring tea and offering more sandwiches as needed. In the background, we were entertained by a pianist. At a certain point the pianist serenaded by cousin with the happy birthday song and she received her own smart tart and a short applause from all those present. The pianist renditions were lovely throughout the high tea and at the right volume and timing. I went over to compliment her and was allowed to make this photo.

Tea time lasts 1 ½ hrs. One cannot linger much longer. I was surprised that the waiter offered to box the patisserie on the table to take home (not sandwiches as on they would become soggy). They placed them in beautiful boxes to go. They would be dispose of - so they quietly offer them to their guests. My table enjoyed the delicious treats whilst there - it was a lot more fun to do so. We managed to savor the experience for an extra 30 minutes whilst finishing our pastries. Maybe it's because we were celebrating a special occasion. However, soon it was time to go. High tea at the Ritz is clearly a thriving business. If you are enticed to visit for your own experience - remember to book 6 months in advance.

Needless to say, my cousin had a wonderful time with her family and friends. The experience met our expectations.
Would I visit again? A resounding yes.

entrance to the cloakroom

High tea at the Ritz was a lovely experience. The atmosphere was cosy, friendly and of course elegant. I guess this is the ultimate tea experience. 😀

the walls by the cloakroom

The afternoon was very special and can only be eclipsed by its own beautiful setting and grandeur of the Palm Court. The hotel truly embodied the meaning of its own name by being ritzy and spectacular.

It was time to go. It was an amazing afternoon and time well spent.

All photos are my own


A 6 months in advance booking to visit the Ritz sure seems worth it to me! I am glad they had scones with butter and jam, it wouldnt be Tea Time without it.

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Many thanks for "picking" my post.
Yes - tea time would not be the same indeed.

This place is beautiful from top to bottom. The interior design is incredible. I am happy you had a great time. I also commend your photography skills. The Ritz hotel is a place to visit over and over again. The place exude so much elegance and royalty. Thanks for sharing.

You are welcome and I agree with all you mentioned. I am happy you enjoyed the photos.

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Uhm it must cost a fortune to maintain that place and also a fortune to wine and dine there, it is indeed a lovely experience for you … I love how the place looks

I think you are right the maintainance must be costly. However they earn it from the cost of staying there. The high is not that expensive. Look closely at the menuy to see the price. It was indeed a lovely experience.

6 months in advance?!! Seriously? So it was a spontaneous trip I take it 😁

The high tea looks like an amazing experience. I bet you were all stuffed after eating it all.

Even though I’m in London a few times a month, I’ve never been in Ritz for high tea. I’m scared to ask how much it costs 😂

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Haha - my cousin booked early July - she was lucky as their was a cancellation. It was definitely a memorable experience.

The cost is not prohibitive - if you look closely at the menu - it is stated there.

Lucky you then! It’s sure an experience worth having. Little treat ☺️

I saw some prices by the teas, but they seem not as huge as I expected. Unless you paid for each item separately.

Lol - not at all - then the cost would have been obscene.

I was screaming at how opulent and incredibly bougie the pictures were. You don't indulge in tasteful things like this every day but the few times that we're liberally and of course, financially inclined, an opportunity like this shouldn't be wasted. I'm glad you had a splendid time, Momo.🌺

Thank you @jhymi - I had a lovely time indeed. It was so nice to be in such a beautiful environment with nice people and nice food.

This was a wonderful celebration. I don't doubt that it really was wonderful, that place is charming, I was fascinated by everything I saw, @momogrow 😄

Aww lovely- it is nice to hear that you enjoy the photos etc. Thank you.

Wow! I imagine they felt like princesses with so much luxury and beauty surrounding them. I imagine it was an unforgettable experience from another world. It was worth the long wait. Hehe...

Thank you for sharing your unforgettable experience with us.☕

Good day.

You are welcome - yes we all felt like princesses surrounded by such beauty

If you do afternoon tea, then yes, definitely do it in style, and you're really upping the game, tea with royalty. Hold on, if your second cousin is royalty, doesn't that make you royalty as well 👑

A while ago my niece went to The Ritz with her family including her kids, they even charged her 3 year old full price!!

😀 I guess so but she is “royalty” in quotes because she does feel regal.

I had read your niece’s introductory post and commented that I would also visit. It is a shame that they made that mistake - there is a special price for children. I would send an email since they do appreciate feedback and encourages it.

Wow ooo, what a luxurious place to be, the feeling of being there adds to life on its own, reading through your post, I felt like I was there live too, Ritz Hotel is an opulence hotel and a well known name through the years, everything is organized and classy I love them all, good luck you were there.😂

Yes you are right - it was a special opportunity indeed and a fun one too.

Thank you for choosing to make yourself happy.

Before seeing the sandwich, I had it in mind to ask: Is it only tea they sell here? I bet the prices would be so high given how luxurious the hostel looks. It is so beautiful

The hotel is indeed luxurious but the price is not prohibitive. See the menu.

This place is really beautiful. In fact, every picture here is so beautiful. I would love to visit London someday since it is one of the places that I have always loved.
Anyway, the food looks nice too

Aww thank you. I hope you will get a chance to visit - dreams go come through.

Realmente este es un hotel de ensueño, me gustaría algún día visitarlo , es digno de la realeza.

De hecho, es digno de la realeza y todos somos de la realeza a nuestra manera 😀

Claro que es así 🤪😃

Oh my days, how the other half live!!!

Lol - luckily some of us get to dabble in this world every so often.
It was a veritable treat - especially the company and the ambience.

I refer my learned friend to a previous comment

Macadees! I know my place in life Ma’am

Lol sir - I recall 😀

Let some eat cake. haha

lol indeed

 6 months ago  

One does not turn down such an invitation, for sure. I'm sorry that I'm on limited internet which does not load any of your photos, so I'll try again sometime tomorrow to see if they show:)
You're very welcome. Have a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Day!-8.jpg

😀 no one doesn’t. Aww sounds as though you are off on adventure. Pity you cannot see the gorgeous photos. I hope you will be able to tomorrow.

Wow, this hotel is elegantly decorated , suitable for royalties, haha..but glad everyone can visit. I couldn't resist going through the photos over and over again. They are simply lovely and then the hotel has a very high standard.. imagine having a dress code too? And the high tea, the pastries , they all look royalty and mouth watering. You really planned this invitation well by going 30 mins before the time to take to these amazing shots. Thanks for taking us round the Ritz Hotel, London
It was nice reading your blog
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Aww thanks for your lovely comment. It is a pleasure sharing this experience with you. It’s truly memorable.

Thank you for taking us along on your wonderful and indulgent experience. The hotel is truly luxurious and it's good that you didn't decline the invitation :) You mentioned your cousin is royalty which means you are too?

Yes it was lovely and as I said she is royalty in her own right and yes that would include all of us.

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It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

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The interior of the hotel is ostentatiously luxurious.

There is no doubt about it. The ritz Hotel is so beautiful. Staying here and enjoying the ambience is something to always cherish over and over again. The coolness alone in such a place would want to make one stay there for more time. I sure hope you had a lovely time sipping your tea here.