Interesting facts about coffee : Coffee shop running

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee2 years ago

A coffee lover's street snack!

Habits that are trending in this era of globalization, especially in urban centers, even sidewalks and rural coffee shops. Coffee shop running, have you heard of it? tasting street coffee drinks? I hope yes. My experience with coffee is actually worldwide. Drinks that smell of spices have become a drink of necessity when outdoors, relaxing and hanging out with friends!



I am very interested in street coffee shops, walking coffee shops, namely coffee shops served in box cars, which have been transformed into coffee shops. Many people stop by, the location is very strategic, namely the sidewalk, people can buy what they need, such as iced coffee, espresso coffee, sanger coffee. I was very inspired by the existence of a walking coffee shop.

Coffee serving steps!

I really enjoyed the way it was served, I was able to witness firsthand the process of serving espresso coffee, with a machine.

The day I spent outside, riding a motorbike to the shopping center. I visited a market and shopped for some products such as food, and some daily necessities.




Coffee drinks have become a tradition for young people, coffee has the ability to attract serious fans. Coffee shop running, operating in the afternoon, the side of the road being one of the best views to hang out in general. Spending time with some work, always accompanied by a cup of coffee.

Occupying a gathering in urban corners, sidewalks and those are the characteristics of people who like to spend time with family and friends.







The aroma of spices smells very fragrant. A coffee lover can't stay away from the pungent aroma, addiction makes me love coffee beans and their presentation even more. The days are very cold, I prefer to consume hot coffee such as espresso, a beautiful plastic cup poured with a fragrant drink with the taste of real coffee.

In the past week, I have consumed this distinctively flavored drink almost every day, I am a hard worker in a company, therefore, I spend more time with friends, co-workers and even important meetings. During December it often rains, everyone prefers warm drinks such as coffee and warm snacks when in a cafe and so on.





My grandfather is a heavy coffee addict, morning, noon and night he always drinks coffee, reading the newspaper is his closest friend all the time, he is old, grandfather is often at home with his grandchildren.

I as a good grandpa's grandson, we have the same taste. Yesterday it rained quite heavily all day, we sat together in front of the bonfire, listening to some stories from grandfather. Grandpa's experience since childhood was a farmer and a hard worker, during breaks, coffee and cigarettes became a way of life for grandfather.

©2021 All image original photo by @opick

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