My Black Coffee

I love my coffee black. When I started taking coffee back then 2015, I take cream coffee, but after my cousin introduced me to black coffee in 2017, I have never looked back or have a change of mind to take cream or any other flavour rather than black coffee. My love for black coffee is undiluted.

Not only does it lighten my mood, I feel this energy and motivation to continue whatever that I am doing. I feel excited and to top it all I tend to finish as well as achieve whatever I am doing at that moment.

All photographs are mine

All were taken using my Samsung A24

Cheers to all black coffee takers


Same! There is something about drinking coffee without anything added. It's a taste of the pure form of coffee. Occasionally I will want a sweet afternoon treat and will add in some hot cocoa and milk to a strong cup of coffee. But mostly I just drink it black.