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RE: The Youngest- Cau Ut Coffee Shop

I really like the style of this coffee shop! Vintage and rustic! My family used to go to a restaurant with a similar style. We all get that nostalgia feeling, don't we? I like how the benches face the windows upstairs. I would go here but I'm not much of a coffee fan. I used to drink it heavily when I was 4 though, with lots of cream of sugar! I am Cau Ut of my family hehe!
Happy Valentine's Day from one single to another lol, or as my people call it, Día del Amor y Amistad (Day of Love and Friendship).


In Vietnam, coffee is more than a drink; it's a culture. I'm addicted to coffee, you know, and I'm addicted to coffee. A day without it would not be complete for me. Well, I just told someone that I love to go to those old vintage shops as it makes me feel nostalgic..Well, we do. It's not really the coffee that I like so much, but the space and atmosphere of the coffee shops.

I know lots of sugar isn't good. Glad you changed that:)

Happy Valentine's Day :)