A beautiful cafe in a coffee shop with games lounge.

Hello community, good Sunday, my post was made at the shop where my wife took my two children to a birthday party that takes place at that place in the games park of that establishment.

In this space where this birthday party is going and is taking place right now, there is a very beautiful and remodeled coffee shop next to many amusement machines including and especially the bowling, which is the most important attraction of this games room.

How could it be, I couldn't resist and had to taste a beautiful coffee in this codffee shop and believe me friends it was divine with a beautiful decoration and already with a lot of decoration alluding to Christmas it was a wonderful cafe in a beautifully renovated space.

I hope you enjoy my sharing and believe me it was a pleasure to be on this site enjoying my coffee in the middle of the Sunday afternoon.


Here I introduce you to my beautiful wife in this coffee shop waiting also for her beautiful coffee, she also loves coffee and she also started having her coffee in this new space.


As you can see, this coffee is beautiful and its divine flavor this brand had not yet tried but I loved it, I think I'll go more often to this coffee shop to taste this creamy coffee again.





Here, an aspect of the room is quite inviting despite being simple and very well decorated and it is a pleasure to be enjoying this moment in a place like this.



Here, one of the main attractions of this coffee shop is a place to play bowling, which is very popular for spending a good afternoon socializing with family or friends.





Friends, I loved this experience of joining one of my pleasures of having a nice cup of coffee and at the same time being in one of my favorite pastimes in a game room enjoying a good time.

I wish the whole community a good Sunday rest and see you in my next publication.