Tarde de café y concierto de violín./Coffee afternoon and violin concert.

in Cinnamon Cup Coffeelast month (edited)

Hello, community of @cinnamoncupcoffe and friends who love coffee in all its presentations.

...And off we went for a coffee! We enjoyed a nice afternoon of violin concert at the Hato Grill.

We have to go out and observe the world.

We all need a parenthesis where we can do activities we enjoy. Talking about other things outside of the week's routines. Ah, but we seem to know that, even if we don't do it. Perhaps it is that we are not fully aware of the affective, emotional and social benefits that a few hours sharing with ourselves can do for our overall health, including mental health. It improves stress and fatigue symptoms and mood.

We like coffee. We are pleased, whenever we can, to enjoy one in a pleasant and, above all, quiet environment. In these last few years, no matter how much work I have, no matter how busy I am, I invest time in activities that please me.


I ordered a cappuccino and he ordered a negrito loaded with a quesillo. Everything was excellent. The environment has some natural light, is fresh and very clean. The service is excellent and since it has a supermarket, you can buy any product you need.

Violin concert

The surprise was incredible when we were able to appreciate a simple violin concert. Talented youth is a treasure, it pleases me greatly when I have the opportunity to appreciate that we still have young people who are interested in the arts and music as part of their life project.

Music is an extraordinary companion, especially the violin is a noble instrument and its melody helps to relax the senses. So we ask permission to record and publish.


Coffee is a very complete drink, apart from stimulating meetings around a table or alone (with thoughts), it stimulates the alert systems, shortens the reaction time, the ability to attend, improves memory.

Coffee contributes to mental stimulation and is a fuel for creative processes. It is also related to meetings, which is what has led many commercial establishments to install a corner where coffee is sold and served... where we were today.

See you next coffee!


Pictures and video: taken with my Redmi 11 phone.
Translation: with DeepL, free version.


Hola, comunidad de @cinnamoncupcoffe y amigos amantes del café en todas sus presentaciones.

…¡Y nos fuimos por un café! Disfrutamos de una agradable tarde de concierto de violín en el Hato Grill.


Tenemos que salir y observar el mundo.

Todos necesitamos un paréntesis donde podamos realizar actividades que nos gusten. Hablar de otras cosas fuera de las rutinas de la semana. ¡Ah!, pero eso parece que lo sabemos; aunque no lo hagamos. Tal vez sea que no estamos plenamente conscientes de los beneficios afectivos, emocionales y sociales que unas horas compartiendo con nosotros mismos pueden hacer por nuestra salud integral, incluyendo la salud mental. Mejora los síntomas del estrés y el cansancio y el estado de ánimo.

Nos gusta el café. Nos complace, cada vez que podemos, disfrutar de uno en un ambiente agradable y, sobre todo, tranquilo. En estos últimos años, no importan cuánto trabajo tenga, ni lo ocupada que esté, invierto tiempo en actividades que me complacen.


Yo pedí un capuchino y él un negrito bien cargado con un quesillo. Todo estaba excelente. El ambiente tiene parte de iluminación natural, es fresco y muy limpio. La atención es excelente y como tiene supermercado, puedes comprar algún proucto que necesites.

Concierto de violín

La sorpresa fue increíble cuando pudimos apreciar un sencillo concierto de violín. La juventud talentosa es un tesoro, me complace enormemente cuando tengo la oportunidad de apreciar que aún tenemos jóvenes que se interesan en las artes y en la música como parte de su proyecto de vida.

La música es una compañía extraordinaria, en especial el violín es un instrumento noble y su melodía ayuda a relajar los sentidos. Así que pedimos permiso para gravar y publicar.


El café es una bebida muy completa, aparte de estimular las reuniones alrededor de una mesa o en solitario (con pensamientos), estimula los sistemas de alerta, acorta el tiempo de reacción, la capacidad de atender, mejora la memoria.

El café contribuye a la estimulación mental y es un combustible para los procesos creativos. Igualemnte se relaciona con reuniones, es lo que ha llevado a muchos establecimientos comerciales a instalar un rincón donde se expende y sirve café...donde estuvimos hoy.

¡Hasta el próximo café!


Fotografías y video: tomados con mi teléfono Redmi 11.
Traducción: con DeepL, versión libre.


 last month  



Thanks, @cinnccf, for the guidance.

@cinnccf, I have already fixed the post as suggested.

 last month  

Ok, thanks for the update:)

 last month  

Hello There 🤗


It's nice to see you here.
We are a warm community on the Blockchain.
We love all things coffee and tea too.
Please feel at home, and you can drop by at any time.
Have a Coffee-licious & Tea-some Day.

The Coolest.gif

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Beautiful photographs, @sandracabrera. The coffee looks rich and the dessert couldn't look better.
I've never been to the Hato Grill for coffee, but I'm sure I'll be up for it now.
The combination of coffee and music is perhaps one of the most pleasing combinations there is.... It doesn't matter if your coffee is a simple black coffee...
For more happy coffees 🍀☕️🍀

At Hato Grill, you'll find a coffee for every moment. It's worth it.

I've already fixed the video.

Hey, sis!

I saw the girl playing the violin last time I went for some groceries. It made me nostalgic because it made me remember the amazing shows of Henry Lezama's daughter, manujune.

I really liked that they had that kind of live music. It makes me want to come back for some coffee. I'm glad you could get out and get some fresh air ❤️

A kiss to my handsome nephew 😘

Thank you... And I've already fixed the video

Now you must edit the text. All English text first. Then all Spanish text. Two blocks 👌🏻

A perfect afternoon because combining coffee with violin music is extraordinarily beautiful, relaxing and motivating.
I'm glad you decided to spend and think time on you because it is essential to do so. Happy day. Cheers and greetings.

Una tarde perfecta porque combinar café con música de violín es extraordinariamente bello, relajante y motivador.
Me alegro de que hayas decidido dedicarte tiempo y pensar en ti porque es fundamental hacerlo. Feliz día. Salud y saludos.

Hello, thank you for reading and commenting, @tonys.
Enjoying moments in pleasant company is very important to me.
Once upon a time I didn't think of it that way, but now I definitely do.

Hola, gracias por leer y comentar, @tonys.
Disfrutar de momentos en compañía grata es para mí muy importante.
Tiempo atrás no lo pensaba de esa forma, pero ahora, definitivamente, sí.