Coffee Photography compilation (Part 1)

Coffee Shop photos and Reviews

I have decided to put together just the coffee photos of some of my older coffee shops visits and reviews in here.

These are just some of the many, many coffee photos that I have. Please let me know that you would like to bring a part 2 and maybe even part 3 of these series. Because there are way many more coffee photos from where these came from.















Why is coffee so tasty

Coffee is often considered tasty due to a combination of factors, including its unique flavor profile, aroma, and the effects it has on our body. Here are a few reasons why coffee is commonly enjoyed for its taste:

  1. Flavor compounds: Coffee contains a complex mixture of compounds that contribute to its flavor. When coffee beans are roasted, various chemical reactions occur, creating a wide range of flavors. These flavors can be fruity, nutty, chocolatey, or even floral, depending on the origin and roast level of the beans.

  2. Aroma: The aroma of coffee is an essential part of its taste experience. The volatile compounds released from freshly ground coffee beans or brewed coffee contribute to the enticing smell that we associate with a good cup of coffee. The aroma adds depth and complexity to the overall taste.

  3. Bitterness and acidity: Coffee naturally contains a degree of bitterness and acidity, which can be enjoyable to many people. These qualities stimulate our taste buds, providing a unique and invigorating sensory experience. However, it's worth noting that individual preferences for bitterness and acidity can vary.

  4. Caffeine and physiological effects: Coffee contains caffeine, a natural stimulant that can provide a boost in energy and alertness. The presence of caffeine can enhance the overall taste experience by creating a feeling of increased focus and vitality, which can contribute to the enjoyment of coffee.

  5. Personal preference: Taste is subjective, and individual preferences play a significant role in why someone might find coffee tasty. Factors such as cultural background, personal experiences, and acquired tastes can shape an individual's perception and enjoyment of coffee.

It's important to note that not everyone appreciates the taste of coffee, as personal preferences for flavours can differ widely. Additionally, the way coffee is prepared, such as the brewing method or the addition of milk, sugar, or other flavourings, can also influence its taste and appeal to different palates.

Camera used - Canon EOS 750 D Check Here
Lens - 50 mm Check Here

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Hello! Beautiful pictures, no doubt coffee is the best thing in this world ☕.

Thanks. Should i bring part 2???

 11 months ago  

Hey there!

Thanks for stopping by, it's great to see you here 🤗

Have a Supercalifragilisticexpiali-coffee-li-cous Day ☕️


Thanks. Wanted to make a compilation of the many many reviews I have posted already! Should I do a part 2?

 11 months ago  

Here's the community Curated Collections for a compilation of previous content.

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