Little coffee break at Little Bear Cafe

Your moments of peace

It is up to you to make sure that when you need you give yourself the moments of peace you need.

Some of you might know already, but if you don't, those peaceful moments to me are daily moments that I try to create for myself, even if it is a 5 or 10 minutes break on the day. I kind of need to stop and almost, do not exist.

To help me with those moments, a coffee it is an essential for me. So if I can just go somewhere, grab a coffee and stay there, just with myself and my coffee, it really does miracles for me.

How it s peaceful moment for you and how often to you take them.

I have stopped by the Little Bear Cafe in Kentish Town, London, and I saw this on the wall. And to me, this makes so much sense, maybe it does not make sense for everyone, but it does really make the day for me.

I would advice you to try, it might be helpful for you as well.

This was a lovely space, very familiar, not really a great decoration, very clean and minimalistic but that was part of their vibes. The staff was all really nice and I have seen them serving some food, it looked really good and fresh and they prepare it all to order, so that is amazing.

There are a couple of other different places in the area where you can stop and I feel like little bear cafe it can really be a nice choice.

The coffee itself was also really nice, it was not the best coffee I have had in London, but I would gladly go back for another of my peaceful moments. And definitely, if I pass by I will most likely stop again even if just for a quick coffee.

Lately I have not been able to go around as often as I would like to discover some more new coffee places to share with you but I hope that soon that will change.

You know that these are just some of my favourite posts to share with you in here.

Now I want to hear about all your peaceful moments.

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Definitely those moments of peace should include a good cup of coffee ☕ with something to accompany it, preferably 🍞! The place looks very nice! Happy afternoon 🙏

coffee always make it all better for sure ehehhe

 24 days ago  

Thank you for stopping by. See you again soon:)

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