Eureka Mignon Crono coffee grinder - A review of sorts and my thoughts.

Hello hello, if you don't already know I really like coffee.

So much so that I've spent a good amount of money of a proper espresso coffee machine and coffee grinder along with all the other associated gear that is needed.

Today I'm mainly talking about the grinder side of things.

Some backstory

We started off with a Sage Smart Grinder for £200, It was a highly recommended coffee grinder that could do pretty much everything and has tons of features. Good value for money and very reliable, or so we thought.

Something we've come to realize is the reliable sage grinders are all ones people have owned for 5 years or more, so they where made some 5 years ago..
Our 2019 model however is anything but reliable. We brought one in march and it died within a month, the motor gave up. We returned it, got a refund and brought a replacement sage smart grinder thinking "oh it's just a bad one the next one will be fine".

Well... No. 4 months after getting the second one it died in much the same way. So we return it and get another refund.

This is where the Mignon comes in


We immediately start researching other coffee grinders looking for something in the same price bracket that will do the job and most importantly LAST a long time.

So, This particular Mignon grinder was unique, we'd found a shop that was selling a discontinued model that came with espresso grinding burrs. Not only that but it was priced at £180 with a normal retail price of £350.

That right there.. is a bargain.

Now the main differences between the sage grinder and the mignon are that the sage is a conical burr grinder while the mignon is a flat burr grinder, Flat burrs being the better, more consistent grinder out there.

The other difference is the mignon has 2 features.. Grind and a 60 seconds timer function dial compared to the Sages LCD screen, profiles, timers, grind dosing, etc.

We are more than happy ditching features we frankly never used for a more simple, too the point coffee grinder. And since the mignon is about the same price that means that money is going into the quality of the product and not all the features we don't actually need.


Here's some of the super clean pucks we got from our test grinds. This is very very good.

Build quality and stuff

Ohhh.. well it'll probably could survive a nuke.. The body is cast iron (or whatever metal they used), thick, beefy, heavy, you get the idea. It literally holds a motor and the grinding head that's it. It's uncomplicated, strong and I like it this way.

It's super quiet as well. Like I mean really quiet. The sage on the other hand you couldn't really have a conversation while it was on with or without beans.

As far as dialing in the coffee we have, it's be relatively easy once we found our espresso range. Now that we know where this range is most coffees we get will be easy to dial in after a few tries.

Overall. I'm very happy. It's quiet, strong and grind coffee very consistently and it looks nicer too.

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 3 years ago  

Hello @shmoogleosukami
It's great to see you here🤗
That's a great price savings deal, you must be chuffed with your purchase.
Shame about the lifespan of appliances these days.
Your new purchase looks pretty robust though, so hopefully you won't be disappointed.
Thank you for dropping by today to share your find with us.😁
Please drop by anytime🤗☕️

I love me some coffee! I presume you use those pucks in an espresso machine rather than packing the espresso each time? I guess I hadn't seen that done before

Naa the pucks are the end result after extraction. With the old grinder the pucks wouldn't come out in one piece because it was grinding so unevenly, hence why I was surprised how well the pucks were coming out with the new one.


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I actually didn't know flat burrs were preferred! Thank you for the knowledge and review

Holy Smokes! You've given me some serious coffee grinder goals. We have a hand grinder and a regular electrical grinder. Nothing fancy, but your grinder review has me changing up my "Merry Christmas to me" gift list.

 3 years ago  

Hello @shmoogleosukami

We're Looking forward to seeing you soon!😁
Have a great week!🤗

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