Isabella and the Magic Coffee Bean ✨✨


Isabella was a beautiful 17-year-old daughter of the owners of one of the most productive coffee plantations in the country.

Her life was surrounded by luxuries and all the whims that could be imagined in a rich girl, however, although the rest of the world believed that she had everything that could make her happy, she really felt that there was something missing, because there was so much excess of luxuries and travel in which she lived, that it no longer filled her.

Isabella's parents, being businessmen, spent much of their time managing the family businesses and overseeing the coffee plantations. Because they were so busy and immersed in business, they had decided to have only one daughter, whom they were going to fill with everything she wanted, thinking that material things are everything, and ignoring that companionship and love is something that money cannot buy.

Isabella had studied at the best institutes in Europe, only on vacations did she go to the hacienda. There she enjoyed riding horses. Every time she woke up she went to the coffee plantations, she breathed its smell, felt the coffee running through her veins and knew that everything absolutely everything that her eyes saw would someday be her turn to run it, since she was the only heir of the family.


Whenever Isabella was on vacation, her parents were abroad doing business transactions and attending important high society events. And the young woman stayed with the employees with whom she maintained a friendly relationship, as Isabella was characterized by her gentleness and humility, and for her everyone was equal and her noble behavior showed it.

There was a season when an alarming drought came to the region and the entire harvest was lost. Isabella's parents were worried because their entire fortune was slipping through their fingers. Being broke would be the worst thing that could happen to them, since they were used to living a dream life, but Isabella was also worried that all the people who depended on them would be left without work and would not be able to support their young children. The crisis had reached the Toledo family.

Isabella had had a very deep relationship with her grandfather. He was really the only one who listened to her, understood her and spoiled her. He told her beautiful stories before bedtime. When she was sent to study so far away she felt her heart break into a thousand pieces.

One day when she was about to leave to study far away, he gave her a beautiful little golden box and told her that if she ever felt lonely and sad or if she ever wished for something from the bottom of her heart to open that box.

Isabella couldn't stop worrying about the poor families that were going to be left homeless and at the same time to see how day by day the emporium that her grandparents built and that was the life of her parents was falling apart and she remembered the conversation she had with her grandfather.

She went to her bedside table, opened the drawer and found the box. It seemed to him that he didn't remember it as shiny and as beautiful. It seemed to glow and a beautiful light radiated through it.

When he opened it he saw that inside was a coffee bean of a beautiful golden color, but that was not all, the coffee bean could talk. It was a magic bean! And then he heard a voice coming out of it and it said to him:

_Hello little one, how are you? I am a magic coffee bean. I have passed through your family from generation to generation, but only the one who in his heart showed enough kindness and unconditional love, would be the right person to get the magic and power that was given to me. Now as you have been a young woman who instead of worrying that you could lose all the luxury in which you have lived, your greatest concern has been that the needy go without food and shelter, which has shown that your heart is noble and pure, so I will grant you a wish.

Isabella could not believe her eyes or what she was hearing, she was paralyzed with shock and only managed to say:

_ I wish that these lands become prosperous again, that they are always productive and that we can all continue living and working in them and that all the children whose parents work in these coffee plantations can be happy in their homes, without lacking a roof, food and health.

The magic coffee bean at that moment told him to take it to the coffee plantations and when it was there, it multiplied more and more and from there the best coffee plants and the best harvests ever seen sprouted. Everything was beautiful and everyone was very happy. As time went by, Isaballa took possession of the coffee plantations and the companies. Everyone loved her and helped her in her mission. She got married and had three children who lived and grew up in the coffee plantations and all were happy, understanding that love is the magic that moves the world and unites hearts.

It was a pleasure to participate. I invite to participate to @davidpena21.



Me despido.

I bid you farewell.

Todo el contenido que se encuentra en esta publicación es de mi autoría, cualquier duda hacer mención a mi persona y con gusto les responderé @surglen.

All the content found in this publication is my authorship, if you have any questions, mention me and I will answer you @surglen.

Las Fotografías son de mi propiedad, excepto las citadas con su fuente.@surglen

Photographs are my property, except those cited with their source. @surglen.

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 2 years ago  

Hello @surglen



 2 years ago (edited) 

Sounds very magical. I'm glad that everything worked out. Good coffee and a good life. 👍


Thank you, the real magic will always be love.