A Good Coffee from Minero Brewers in Subic, Zambales

There have been a lot of coffee shops opening in town, since people started loving iced coffee recently. And we cannot deny the fact that it’s really kind of addicting, especially to those who enjoy the aroma or the creamy texture of a good coffee. Because of this trend, business-minded people took advantage of the hype and started opening small businesses to sell coffee and other refreshing drinks. Then again, people loved going on a coffee shop hunting, like us.

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Since coffee shops and cafes are everywhere, it’s really hard to decide where to grab a cup of coffee if you are craving it. Some people may stick to their usual coffee shop, but us, we wanted to try something new if we have a chance to. And just recently, we went to Subic, Zambales to try a cup of coffee.


It was located near the parking area of Waltermart in Subic, and the name of it was “Minero Brewers.” As soon as we got there, we already appreciated the setup and also the way that everything was organized. Since there are other people asking details about their orders, we waited for our chance to order too. It only took us a minute before the staff asked about the coffee that we were going to try.


Since it was our first time buying here at Minero Brewers, we asked the staff about their best-selling coffee, and also told him that we would like to check the menu first to choose the best coffee for us. He said yes, and pointed us to the menu displayed on the front desk. We checked out the coffee they are offering.


After minutes of decision-making, we already came up with our order and quickly informed the staff about it. The man in-charge grabbed a pen and paper, and wrote down our orders. Then, he advised us to choose a table and that he would just call us when our coffees were ready. And as we sat down in a corner waiting for our coffee, we watched the barista do its magic in preparing our coffee.


Since it’s taking him a while to prepare our coffee, we asked for their permission if we could take pictures of what they have in their business. Also, we mentioned that we will be writing a blog about it which made them happy. Upon checking out their area, the setup screams minimalism and we loved their setup. Also, they are selling brewed coffee as well, and each was packed and organized in one spot.



Then, we already heard the cue that our coffee is already done. We claimed them and returned to our table to enjoy the sip. When we were already having the coffee, we loved it so much and even praised the barista for doing a great job. We were talking about when we are going to try their different coffee flavors, and we know it will be happening really soon.



Also, the spot they chose has a very nice ambiance. Even though it’s just a simple setup, you will surely love having your quick coffee or bringing someone you love right here. It’s a recommended coffee shop, indeed.



Thank you so much for reading. Sending good vibes to everyone!

[© 2023 The Ferrer Blogs, All Rights Reserved]



For some reason when in coffee shops, I always just end up getting black Americano.I find the likes of cappuccinos and lattes too sweet.🙃 But then that's just the boring me. LOL.

I thinK Coffee shops these days need to be trendy and stylish. The aesthetics add to their sellability (is there such a word ?!) some times even if the coffee is not good, the ambiance can set a big difference. Plus, it must be instagrammable! haha.

85 pesos for a cup of coffee is pretty cheap. As long as it is not everyday.Lol.

 5 months ago  

Seasons Greetings!

May your festivities be fueled by Coffee, and filled with all the things that bring you joy!

All good wishes from Cinnamon Cup Coffee, a warm Obsessive Caffeinated Disorder (OCD) incubated community. ☕️

Image belongs to millycf1976

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